Kodi crashes on start
yes you can, run raspi-config and you should be able to disable the driver.
Server: Ubuntu Server 22TB HDD running SAMBA
Kodi: 4 Raspberry Pi 3 running Libreelec -  on the main PC - running Linux Mint
My Setup thread |
(2018-11-18, 22:47)Yotaphoner Wrote: I extended the memory to 256MB, and when I try to choose the non-GL desktop drivers via raspi-config it says to me those drivers are disabled.
Not really sure what you are saying here. You need GL driver to be set to "Legacy - original non-GL desktop driver"
You shouldn't have a line like dtoverlay=vc4-kms-v3d or dtoverlay=vc4-fkms-v3d in /boot/config.txt.
Forget about the "non-GL desktop drivers", it seems they are ok. Don't you see anything on the LOGs I posted in the first message that indicates the reason of the crash? I also took a look at dmesg, and other logs like user.log, faillog or kern.log and nothing is there.

I am trying now to uninstall Kodi and install an older version to see what happens, but I don't know which version of Kodi I have, so I run "dpkg -s kodi" and I was expecting to see kodi 17.x or kodi 18, and what I see is this :
Quote:Package: kodi
Status: install ok installed
Priority: optional
Section: video
Installed-Size: 37675
Maintainer: Diogo Santos <[email protected]>
Architecture: all
Source: kodi
Version: 2:17.6-3~stretch
Replaces: xbmc (<< 2:14.0~git20141019), xbmc-data, xbmc-standalone
Provides: kodi-data, kodi-skin-estuary, kodi-standalone, xbmc, xbmc-data, xbmc-standalone
Depends: kodi-bin (>= 2:17.6-2~stretch), kodi-bin (<< 2:17.6-2~stretch.1~), curl, libcurl3, mesa-utils, x11-utils, fonts-liberation | ttf-liberation, fonts-dejavu-core | ttf-dejavu-core, python-bluez | python-lightblue, python-imaging, python-simplejson, libass5 | libass4, libgif5 | libgif7, libssh-4 | libssh2-1, libnfs8 | libnfs4 | libnfs1, libbluray1, libshairplay0, libvorbisfile3, libaacs0, libcec4, libgnutls30 | libgnutls-deb0-28 | libgnutls28 | libgnutls26, libxslt1.1, libyajl2

So no idea which version of Kodi I have. Anyway, I am going to uninstall it and install the 16.1. Now I am downloading the tar.gz from the webpage. 

I wil tell you what happens
Quote:Version: 2:17.6-3~stretch
You have Kodi 17.6, latest stable version.
Your Kodi logs don't have any clear error, that's probably why nobody came to a conclusion yet.
I suspect it is a permissions problem. Can you try running Kodi as root just to test?
sudo kodi
Rascas, that also didn't worked but it happend a different thing.

It started, it crashed and it ended, giving a prompt and also a log file. The info prompted is this: 

Quote:sudo kodi
* failed to add service - already in use?
*** Error in `/usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/kodi/kodi_v7.bin': free(): invalid pointer: 0x6d614e72 ***
Aborted (core dumped)
Crash report available at /root/kodi_crashlog-20181120_000752.log

This is the crash log: https://paste.kodi.tv/xokujizuba.kodi

According to the log it seems a problem with the phisical memory, and according to the prompt it seems a problem of services. (This is my superficial diagnostic as a begginer interpreting logs...)

Fortunatelly I had a visit and didn't had time to uninstall and install an older Kodi, so we continue with the lattest Kodi.

So... What's your opinion?
The problem is not on Kodi but on your system. You either aren't using the Broadcom drivers (Legacy - original non-GL desktop driver) or you have your GPU libraries messed up. If you cannot fix this, I suggest that you reinstall Raspbian and Kodi, it is praobably easier for you.
It's strange... Now I tried two times to start kodi being root and both time it freezed and had to unplug the raspberry.

I have no idea to fix what you say so I will install raspbian on another SD and see what happens.

Can this problems have something to be with running a VNC server?
Are you running this via vnc player? I.e. running this from a pi to another PC?

If so, then that’s the sue, as kodi can’t be used properly via a remote connection.
Server: Ubuntu Server 22TB HDD running SAMBA
Kodi: 4 Raspberry Pi 3 running Libreelec -  on the main PC - running Linux Mint
My Setup thread |
From log:
You are not using the default (legacy) GL driver. Kodi will not run until you switch it back to legacy.
So was the VNC at the end. Tjay is rigjt. If I kill all the processes of vnc Kodi starts without a problem. Now I am copying all my music to a pendrive and in some moments I am going to start using ir. Also Y tried the Yatse app for the phone to control Kodi and it works.

My raspberry is headless so yes, It run a VNC server. Its a pitty that I can't use Kodi and VNC at the same time. I just hope that nothing get mess inside Raspbian or I will be forced to disconnect the raspberry and move it to other rooms to see what happened.

Isn't a way to have both apps working at the same time? And also an explanation about why I can't run both of them at the se time it will be great.

Thanks for the help
It was explained here in this forums (and others) multiple times why Kodi doesn't work with a "normal" VNC server on the RPi. With a quick search you will also find an alternative for what you want.
EDIT: e.g. https://forum.kodi.tv/showthread.php?tid=327203
Any program that is GPU intensive has issues via remote access, no matter how large or small the computer is.

Try watching YouTube via RDP, VNC etc to see what I mean.

Kodi, obviously is going to be using the GPU for the skinning engine, and that’s before you add video to the mix, but as this post has pointed out, it’s not completely obvious until we start ruling things out.
Server: Ubuntu Server 22TB HDD running SAMBA
Kodi: 4 Raspberry Pi 3 running Libreelec -  on the main PC - running Linux Mint
My Setup thread |
Thanks to God! I will take a closer look tomorrow.

Besades that, I have a couple of others problems I couldnt find the answer. One is I cant find the way to access to the Raspberry USB driveusing Yatse, and there is where I have my music. When I search for it on gooigle I only find people asking on how to move Kodi to an USB, so if you can explain me that... thanks!
Suggest you start a new thread in the Raspberry Pi forum, so that someone might be able to help there.

Edit: read that as just start a new thread, brain freeze there!
Server: Ubuntu Server 22TB HDD running SAMBA
Kodi: 4 Raspberry Pi 3 running Libreelec -  on the main PC - running Linux Mint
My Setup thread |
Trying to use Kodi as a headless music player on any hardware platform is really a poor choice.  Kodi is designed specifically for use by GUI.  Using something like MPD or Volumio is a much better solution.

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Kodi crashes on start0