Solved Kodi RC4 GeForce 10xx stutter
try this build please
without discretedecoder enabled:

Only tried a few minutes playback, but it seemed to play silky smooth with no stuttering - thumbs up

With discretedecoder enabled:

Same as before, scenes jumping vertically in green/pink/grey hues.
With discretedecoder allowed still crashing immediately, when video playing is started. But yes, without discretedecoder definitely better, especially with my same 4k/h264-test file. Great work @afedchin Smile With higher bitrate files (over 200mbps) still big issues but yes, great progress.

Here the log file:
Same here. Without the discretedecoder tag, video play is smooth for the naked eye, but still lots of misses in both 4K and 8K hevc videos on a GT1030 card.


@Klojum no logs? sadly..
(2019-01-14, 07:43)afedchin Wrote: no logs? sadly..
Sorry, it was already late. I thought the zero drops/skips were impressive already.

Here are the logs on your KodiSetup-20190114-521487a4-perf-test-x64.exe build:

With the discretedecoder enabled.
With the discretedecoder disabled.
i've reported this problem earlier and I'm running a Geforce EVGA 1050TI SC

There was no issues found in the log file and I've yet to figure out what's causing the frame drops.
Just noticed, that @afedchin had made couple of code changes related to this issue and committed those into master-branch. I downloaded and installed the latest nightly and start to test. Every video, which I tried,  played perfectly Smile

From my point of view this issue is solved, big thanks to @afedchin and to @fritsch also, who I think was also involved tightly into problem solving Smile
Still looks exactly the same to me, you sure you don't have VSync set to 'Fast' still or maybe your TV isn't matching the material's refresh rate or something?  I just tried it on my Win10 1080Ti system and the stuttering is still really bad if hardware acceleration is enabled.  Adding allowdiscretedecoder results in scrolling/blinking pink/green frames, can barely make out the picture.  As always, enabling an overlay e.g. Ctrl-Shift-O stops the stuttering straight away.

This was fixed for Intel by the way, in the other thread I raised about this exact issue: 330599 (thread), don't know if that helps at all.
The issue was hidden, proper fix still in development.
if someone would like to continue testing please test this build:
(2019-01-15, 19:25)beeswax Wrote: Still looks exactly the same to me, you sure you don't have VSync set to 'Fast' still or maybe your TV isn't matching the material's refresh rate or something?  I just tried it on my Win10 1080Ti system and the stuttering is still really bad if hardware acceleration is enabled.  Adding allowdiscretedecoder results in scrolling/blinking pink/green frames, can barely make out the picture.  As always, enabling an overlay e.g. Ctrl-Shift-O stops the stuttering straight away.

This was fixed for Intel by the way, in the other thread I raised about this exact issue: 330599 (thread), don't know if that helps at all.
I´m aware of the Fast-setting, not in use. Also TV is not doing any magic here. But the True Fullscreen -setting vs Windowed Fullscreen seem to have an effect. In my case Windowed Fullscreen plays smoothly but True Fullscreen has still issues. So maybe this is not yet fully solved.
(2019-01-15, 19:45)goodton Wrote: I´m aware of the Fast-setting, not in use. Also TV is not doing any magic here. But the True Fullscreen -setting vs Windowed Fullscreen seem to have an effect. In my case Windowed Fullscreen plays smoothly but True Fullscreen has still issues. So maybe this is not yet fully solved.

it may occurs because in FSE mode driver has less buffered frames but in windowed mode has more because desktop window manager requires
(2019-01-15, 19:28)afedchin Wrote: The issue was hidden, proper fix still in development.
if someone would like to continue testing please test this build:
 Now, this is an interesting build. In my case Kodi is not anymore crashing, when allowdiscretedecoder -setting is in use. All quickly tested video plays very smoothly with both Windowed Fullscreen and True Fullscreen (preferred) -setting. Only negative finding so far is, that every HEVC-decoded files are purple/green but clearly playing very smoothly, H264 works correctly. This happens with allowdiscretedecoder on or off.

But yes, this is very promising stuff Smile I can make a debug log later if needed.
With discretedecoder:

Vertically jumping scenes are gone, smooth playback with no visible stuttering

Without discretedecoder:

No stuttering, looked perfect to me
Just tested x265 files, playback is in green/pink, seemed to play smoothly with no stuttering though

x265 with discrete decoder:

x265 without discretedecoder:

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Kodi RC4 GeForce 10xx stutter0