What should be XBMC's default skin
i also think black blue is the best candidate; the colors are neutral but still "cnn-like", the gradients give a very nice feeling especially with "my weather".
the best thing offcourse is that it is made by a homebrew artists, so it really gives the mediacenter a unique style.

i also like retro, lixx and hifi, and i loved the xpmedia for a while, but i think it's outdated now. when we use that skin, (forgetting legal issue's for a sec.) than we should atleast update it to the dell one..
yup, i definetly dig the b&b skin; clean and nice, but it still needs some polishing of course. the only thing i don't quite like is how the small videowindow is placed over the fileselector list. don't know if this could be scripted to be fixed, making the list smaller when the preview is present or something. also some problems with other languages with this skin, but i would rather suggest an update to the translated text, as some of the lines are a bit too long imho. (yep, i'll probably start by making suggestions for my own native language Image ) ps! sorry to make this into kinda bugreport...
hmm.. i hope my skin would not be the default one Smile

because it's too much work to update it every day (for cvs) Wink
in my opinion the mediacenter skin should be the default skin, because the devs can edit it like they want it to do..
and its a kind of recognizable for ppl who don't know xbox mediacenter, but windows mediacenter Smile

and yes! my english is bad Wink

mfg lixx
(lixx @ feb. 27 2004,13:06 Wrote:in my opinion the mediacenter skin should be the default skin, because the devs can edit it like they want it to do and its a kind of recognizable for ppl who don't know xbox mediacenter, but windows mediacenter Smile
yes looks that the mediacenter and xboxmediacenter skins are the most liked ones and thus the best option but again, we cannot use those in out cvs unless the replace the icons/pics with ones that does not have copywrite, hope someone can help us out what that(?)
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Quote:hope someone can help us out what that(?)
how about a joint effort from the skinners? i can start working on the big icons for the home menu. i'll just use the existing ones and make similar.
i guess icons for folders, cds, networked folders and such has to be made too?
maybe ask foood if you can use some of his icandy set?


*there are alot more icons.

(prongspf @ feb. 29 2004,04:27 Wrote:maybe ask foood if you can use some of his icandy set? Image http://www.foood.net
yes foood has some very nice icons but he's copywrited them all so you would need foood's explicid consent to use any one of those

i think it would be supersweet if a 3d cad artist could make some models that could be converted into 2d icons form different angels
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holy cow. project mayhem has my choice hands down. it was good before but i just grabbed the latest build of it. and it owns!!! keep up the good work!

very clean, legible, easy to navigate. new osd skin is awesome.
ok xbox media experience screenshots are here

Quote:i know many people are looking for a clean skin, and i think heres the perfect solution for you. this suite is called xbox media experience, and currently has skins for unleashx, xbmp, xbmc, evox, avalaunch, mediaxmenu, and bo-xlink.

xme screenshots

edit: contrary to the title it is called xbox media experience
note! i have moved all posts refering to the legal/copywrite discussion specific to the new dell skin here (link, dell skin only)
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What should be XBMC's default skin0