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Auto-Update XBMC function - Automaticly download application/DLL/scraper updates?
the constant updates are because its a cvs... its always updating unless you count for a point release (one coming is 2.0.0) when the developers feel that most of the bugs are worked out.

the auto update, not going to happen... ava and some of the others use a patch method but they dont exactly publicese how they do it so it is a mystery. also, the binaries to use xbmc are illegal software, the pure uncompiled code however is not hence the reason its so popular. but... if you do your own compiles (search for requirments in the forums) then there is a script that will do the install automatically from a share folder should you get a newer built (trying to recall the script i think is gammax) so you just click and it does its thing.
my first post...

relatively new to xbmc and think it is a very powerfull product.
credit to the designers and programmers.

my request is along the lines of an auto update
something similar to how avalaunch dashboard updates.

the way it would work is to have the shortcut on the
c drive check for updates and install them
it launches the actual xbmx xbe.

so instead of having to install the cvs version 40 odd megs
it would automatically download
only the needed files or patches
and apply them to reflect the cvs version.

would be far more practical and take a lot of load
off of the servers.

a constantly up to date xbmc is what i prefer.

is this at all possible..
(i know it is-might try doing it myself)

thank you all for your time.

if this has been requested before i did do a bit of a search!!
you are newHuh seriously? i would have never guessed...

searching 'a bit' would have found the huge thread(s) on this... you should try searching using the internet next time Wink

if you did search you'd have seen this has been extensively discussed and will not happen, unless you do it.
I'm not an expert but I play one at work.
you are right.
there was a huge list in the search function.
my bad for just typing auto update instead of
auto and update.

oh yeah.
thanks for the warm welcome...

i hope yours was better...
i have an idea for a small application which helps users upgrade their version of xbmc.

the way i used to do it is this:
-boot into xbmc
-ftp new xbmc to e:\apps\xbmc_new
-change the shortcut xbe to load evox on boot
-reboot xbox into evox
-rename e:\apps\xbmc to xbmc_old
-rename xbmc_new to xbmc
-put the shortcut xbe back to load xbmc
-reboot into new xbmc

one possible way to speed this up would be to do this:
-boot into xbmc
-ftp new xbmc to e:\apps\xbmc-todaysdate
-change shortcut xbe to load e:\apps\xbmc-todaysdate
-reboot into new xbmc

with userdata now containing all of the settings, my original process now changes to this:
-boot into xbmc
-ftp new xbmc to e:\apps\xbmc_new
-copy xbmc\userdata to pc
-copy userdata back to xbmc_new (i do this because ie won't let me cut and paste in one operation. maybe other ftp clients do.
-change the shortcut xbe to load evox on boot
-reboot xbox into evox
-rename e:\apps\xbmc to xbmc_old
-rename xbmc_new to xbmc
-put the shortcut xbe back to load xbmc
-reboot into new xbmc

what would be cool is if we had an app that did some of this for us.
-boot into xbmc
-ftp new xbmc to e:\apps\xbmc_new
-in xbmc select upgrade, browse to xbmc_new
-xbmc configures a small app to do the switch and swap
-xbmc runs the app which renames xbmc to xbmc_old, renames xbmc_new to xbmc, copies xbmc_old\userdata to xbmc\userdata, and launches new xbmc

this app doesn't have to be very complicated, just read a file telling it where the old xbmc is, where the new xbmc is, and that's it. it could popup a confirmation dialog or something, but doesn't really even need a gui. the could get hte confirmaiton dialog in xbmc, then they would click ok, next thing they know xbmc is loading up again, but it looks just a little newer Smile

hope that's clear

i'm not sure, but i know a lot is possible with unleashx and its builtin scripting. it is used by krazie's ndure installer to install softmods in an automated way, so i suspect it could be used to install xbmc upgrades as well.
Catchy Signature Here
<span style='font-size:15pt;line-height:100%'>read the forum rules and search!</span>

distribution or request of binaries is illegal and as such this request wont happen. there is a script on xbmcscripts (gamma-x i think) that will update your dash from a local build, but nobody wants to be in court with ms forever around here so nobody here is going to host an illegal build and keep it current for the purposes of updating not to mention the bandwidth issues.
way to not read the post harshreality.
way to reply without following what it means... what you are wanting in plain english is an application that will update xbmc. as i said, its a binary so if you make that application typically like ava it will be set to connect to a single location to retrieve its file and do its work and as i said nobody is going to host such a site due to legallity.

in addition, when i post a reply there is no "grey area" its clear as crystal. the main indication to the large text was search. this topic has been covered time and time again and shot down each time save one which was the gamma-x script i mentioned which worked to a degree and did exactly what your talking about so do me a favor as well as everybody else here and do a bit of research. smart is good smart ass is not!
the application that i suggested does not download anything from the internet. it simply replaces your current xbmc folder with another folder you already put on the xbox, and makes sure you keep your original userdata. you still have to download/build your own distribution of xbmc.
the reason the app is needed is that you can't replace all of xbmc's files while running xbmc.

the app is simple enough that it could be written so that it builds with openxdk (like the shortcut file), and so could be distributed with xbmc.
this is over... i'm ill from replying to the same thing over and over by saying the same thing over and over. your initial inquiry was for an application to update not specifically xdk related. and just to clarify, ive updated xbmc while running it before the only thing it wont overwrite is the damn textures.xpr file so why youd mess with new and old and crap is well beyond me.

search for update & xbmc reveals 10 pages of responses among those is:

download link

Quote:note: script will now intstall to gamma-x directory. please rename 'xnetload' to 'gamma-x' before install. lot's of fixes recently. if it didn't work for you before, it should now =] - (formerly xbox net loader) now includes an xbmc update utility. game manager and save manager (with xbox-saves and mega x key save browser and maxconsole.com trainers browser)
allows you to fetch and run apps/games that are stored on a pc on your network by just selecting them from a list. can fetch via ftp, http and samba as well as my xrp server which will also allow you to fetch apps/games directly from xiso format.  includes an ftp, samba, and xrp browser for configuring apps. plus game save management.

xbmc thread

now in addition to my finding an answer for you and directing you to it would you like me to come cook you dinner or change your diaper? or perhaps i should come over and show you how to make it work as well... i understand from the direction of this thread so far that you seem to have issues with comprehension and basic english so you might have some difficulty.
Quote:this is over... i'm ill from replying to the same thing over and over by saying the same thing over and over. your initial inquiry was for an application to update not specifically xdk related. and just to clarify, ive updated xbmc while running it before the only thing it wont overwrite is the damn textures.xpr file so why youd mess with new and old and crap is well beyond me.
maybe because it worked, and it updated all files that needed updating including textures.xpr. i'm not sure what you think i was asking for, and i'm not sure what you're trying to say here.

Quote:now in addition to my finding an answer for you and directing you to it would you like me to come cook you dinner or change your diaper? or perhaps i should come over and show you how to make it work as well... i understand from the direction of this thread so far that you seem to have issues with comprehension and basic english so you might have some difficulty.

thanks, i'm ok for dinner, we don't have diapers over here, but we do have nappies, i'm sure you'll cope Smile
i'll take a look at the gamma-x script. i wonder if that can update the textures.xpr file.
also, could you fix my comprehension and basic english, i'm having difficulty.

thanks very much for your help, and comments.
I'm afraid to make the post... :-P

I was thinking this days ago and i have my "particular" point of view of what should be the best solution... copy what it's yet invented: the Debian Apt Tools, or more exactly, OpenWRT Ipkg command (inspired on Apt-Tools, too...).

XBMC core can't be freely distributed because XDK, but there's a lot of things that don't use XDK: DLLs, skins, themes, scripts... My idea is that:

1º Have a "minimal system" package with all the necesary to start with it, it's said, XBMC and basic configuration files. Think of this as "Debian Net Installer" Disk. Obviusly you have to get it by your own... Wink
2º When XBMC starts by the first time, have a minimal config: language, screen, sound... and net, so it can start to check what non-XDK package it can download.
3º Have a little interface to check available package and how to download it. We are starting to have a lot of places with phyton games, themes, scripts... so a good idea would be to have a "sources.list" file to add the sources where we can download and install/desinstall things.

Then you only have to check what free packages and programs you want to install, and when you want to update XBMC core you only have to search the net and use P2P to get it and install by hand, as you have to do when you want to upgrade OpenWRT. And maybe, you can "found" somewhere an RSS or something that would be used as source... for XBMC itself by BitTorrent automaticaly.

I was thinking about this some days ago because there is no easy method to get Phyton Games or theme skins: whit this you only have to open Package Manager script, update database and install what you want as on Debian or Ubuntu.

I repeat: my idea is NOT about a XBMC XDK core auto-update system, it's about an auto-update and package installer for Non-XDK apps and components, so it could be done without legal issues. If someone want to add an XDK compiled repository (as per example ***** FTP) it's her own responsability.
Maybe the XBMC "core" could even be made smaller and stuff be moved out and compiled with OpenXDK. This would make additions legal and adding lots of new stuff possible without modifying the XBMC "core" - and it might even get OpenXDK moving again.
It sure would make it more easily available for novice users once core is installed they too can get updates (I know alot who are running way old XBMC's which I think is sad, but I cannot save them all hehe)
ultrabrutal Wrote:Maybe the XBMC "core" could even be made smaller and stuff be moved out and compiled with OpenXDK. This would make additions legal and adding lots of new stuff possible without modifying the XBMC "core" - and it might even get OpenXDK moving again.
It sure would make it more easily available for novice users once core is installed they too can get updates (I know alot who are running way old XBMC's which I think is sad, but I cannot save them all hehe)

You has understand perfectly what i wanted to sayBig Grin
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Auto-Update XBMC function - Automaticly download application/DLL/scraper updates?0