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[RELEASE] Super Favourites AKA Super-Addon Creator
(2015-10-09, 04:13)markyoungsmagic Wrote: Is there a way to view movie lists with the movie info on the right side of the list (instead of just box art)? It doesn't seem to ba available as an option in the left pane menu. If someone could give me an easy solution it would be appreciated. Thanks!

If you start SF from the video menu it should offer all the standard movie views, I use Confluence media info 3
Thanks for the quick reply Spoyser. I'm using (Confluence) CCM and have a shortcut to Super Favorites Movies and TV under the Video category (the menu bar just under Video). There are only 4 choices under view in the left pane. I'm new to Kodi, less than a month of experience, I'm not sure what you mean by the "Confluence Media Info 3", is that an add-on for the show information? If so can you tell me where I can get it? Would I point the Super Favorites info to that location? Any help would be greatly appreciated, I was using the Kodi favorites but it kept putting movies in separate folders which makes it inconvenient scrolling through (yes, I had the box in settings unchecked for putting each movie in a separate folder but it put them in one anyway). Thanks Spoyser!
I'm guessing it's a problem with the skin. When I open Super Favorites and browse either folder (TV or Movies) I can change the view but when I open the menu bar shortcuts to the Super Favorites Movies or TV folder I have 3 choices, list, big list or thumbnail. If I make a shortcut to Super Favorites in the menu bar (beneath Video) I get the same result. The only way I can change the view to include info is going directly into Super Favorites and choosing either the TV or Movie folder. Any idea how to get the different views from the menu bar shortcuts under Video?
Anyone have and idea how to alphabetize the list of Movies or TV shows in Super Favorites without moving items up and down or editing the xml file directly? Is that a feature that may be added to Super Favorites automatically alphabetizing newly added items?
(2015-09-20, 12:51)spoyser Wrote: There is a sort option in Display settings, this was added in 1.0.37 which is only available form my repo (the official is still at 1.0.35 I think)

I am on 1.0.40 and there is an anomaly in the sort feature.

If there are any hidden tags in the name ( eg to change color or bold letter etc), the tag itself, eg the "[" character gets, included in the sort, and those entries move to the top, breaking the sort order.
(2015-10-09, 16:37)markyoungsmagic Wrote: Anyone have and idea how to alphabetize the list of Movies or TV shows in Super Favorites without moving items up and down or editing the xml file directly? Is that a feature that may be added to Super Favorites automatically alphabetizing newly added items?

SF display settings, alphabetic sort
(2015-10-09, 16:49)mediaman09 Wrote:
(2015-09-20, 12:51)spoyser Wrote: There is a sort option in Display settings, this was added in 1.0.37 which is only available form my repo (the official is still at 1.0.35 I think)

I am on 1.0.40 and there is an anomaly in the sort feature.

If there are any hidden tags in the name ( eg to change color or bold letter etc), the tag itself, eg the "[" character gets, included in the sort, and those entries move to the top, breaking the sort order.

Cheers, I'll take a look
Hey Sean (MediaPi here) been a while Smile

can't believe you improved SF again. The new feature that allows to lauch super favourites within a dilog box from anywhere in kodi is pretty neat..I'm pretty impressed! kudos

got an idea which I'm sure you've entertained yourself. why not setup to launch the Super favourites dilog box (using global super favourites context menu then pressing launch super favourites) to be triggered when a user presses the favourites button on their remote.
(same thing you did with the context menu, replace the action of favourites) ofcourse by letting users choose this in the settings.

the SF dialog box you created will be like a front end with the SF addon the backend.

you could also set it up so when a user clicks on favourites while in the SF dilog box, the dilog box closes and kodi favourites pops up, and when they click favourites.

had a few more ideas, remember the speed dial? imagine being in SF diloge menu, with items numbered between 1-9, as user presses down the numbering stays the same but the items move up one numbered (can you picture it?) then when someone presses the number on their remote, whatever link is associated with that number, it activates that link...speed dial Big Grin

was basically thinking you could in the future have certain actions in SF dilog favourites box that you have in kodi box, what I mean Is right click on an item and be able to move up, delete, rename while still in the SF dilog box menu.

and if possible have an option to chose the location of the menu, left centre, middle.

I think if you just added an option to let users override the normal favourite action in kodi to bring up super favourites then it will be pretty radical!

oh just a thought when someone installs SF can you not add a link in their favourites menu
"Launch Super Favourites"
(if possible place at the top)

when user clicks on it the SF dilog box comes up, im sure a user will see the benefit of this and when they finish using the dilog box have a promt
"would you like to launch SF rather than Kodi favourites when pressing favourites"

then if the user says yes, the addon does everything for them.
I rambled on lol do you like the idea?
Spoyser you're the best! updated to 1.0.40. Removed the submenu items and reinstalled them, now everything works PERFECTLY including alphabetizing the Movie and TV lists! Today is my Birthday and Super Favorites was the perfect gift! Thanks for all your hard work, greatly appreciated.
(2015-10-09, 17:43)markyoungsmagic Wrote: Spoyser you're the best! updated to 1.0.40. Removed the submenu items and reinstalled them, now everything works PERFECTLY including alphabetizing the Movie and TV lists! Today is my Birthday and Super Favorites was the perfect gift! Thanks for all your hard work, greatly appreciated.

Always glad to help.

Happy Birthday!
(2015-10-09, 17:22)kilimanjaro Wrote: Hey Sean (MediaPi here) been a while Smile

can't believe you improved SF again. The new feature that allows to lauch super favourites within a dilog box from anywhere in kodi is pretty neat..I'm pretty impressed! kudos

got an idea which I'm sure you've entertained yourself. why not setup to launch the Super favourites dilog box (using global super favourites context menu then pressing launch super favourites) to be triggered when a user presses the favourites button on their remote.
(same thing you did with the context menu, replace the action of favourites) ofcourse by letting users choose this in the settings.

the SF dialog box you created will be like a front end with the SF addon the backend.

you could also set it up so when a user clicks on favourites while in the SF dilog box, the dilog box closes and kodi favourites pops up, and when they click favourites.

had a few more ideas, remember the speed dial? imagine being in SF diloge menu, with items numbered between 1-9, as user presses down the numbering stays the same but the items move up one numbered (can you picture it?) then when someone presses the number on their remote, whatever link is associated with that number, it activates that link...speed dial Big Grin

was basically thinking you could in the future have certain actions in SF dilog favourites box that you have in kodi box, what I mean Is right click on an item and be able to move up, delete, rename while still in the SF dilog box menu.

and if possible have an option to chose the location of the menu, left centre, middle.

I think if you just added an option to let users override the normal favourite action in kodi to bring up super favourites then it will be pretty radical!

oh just a thought when someone installs SF can you not add a link in their favourites menu
"Launch Super Favourites"
(if possible place at the top)

when user clicks on it the SF dilog box comes up, im sure a user will see the benefit of this and when they finish using the dilog box have a promt
"would you like to launch SF rather than Kodi favourites when pressing favourites"

then if the user says yes, the addon does everything for them.
I rambled on lol do you like the idea?

Hi there. Glad you like the new dialog, I use it all the time now, only go into real SF these days to do housekeeping.

With regards launching SF instead of favourites, it can be done but you have to manually modify your skin file, no other way unfortunately (and I've given it a lot of thought LOL).

When you say "favourites button on their remote" what key are you referring to?

Can't see the point of adding a SF link to Kodi favourites, the point of SF is to replace Favourites (and people can always do it manually anyway).

I've been thinking about the speed dial stuff too, but can't decide on how to implement it without it feeling clunky or with using too many key presses, and the new dialaog sort of gives it you anyway.
don't think I got my thought across properly.
you've created a SF context menu and then made an xml file in keymaps to assign context menu to lauch Super favourites context menu instead.
do the same with the new dilog box you created (the one that launches when you press lauch super favourites in the SF context menu)
add to your xml file in keymaps (the one already created to work with SF context menu) to launch a script (I think) to open the dilog box for SF when user clicks button on remote (that kodi registers as favourites)

I'm not suggesting to assign the favourites button in KODI homepage to launch SF, I'm suggesting to change the behaviour of what happens when someone presses the button on a remote (which kodi registers as favourites) to open SF favourites instead. thought it was a logical progression with the idea of replacing the kodi context menu with SF one
so basically you launch into SF (dilog box) with one click instead of two.
then set it up (like SF context menu) so when user presses favourites again they launch kodi favourites, within SF dilog box)
Sean is this even possible, when I lauch SF (dilog box) and cycle through the list, can you change the background image to the one given to the items in the menu?
the super favourites dilog box fades the background right? would be really cool to be able to see the background image while your cycling through the list

if that's not possible, how about showing another dilog box to the side of the SF dilog box (a small one at the same time) that shows what the background image is for the items in the SF dialogue box.

btw great work on the speed improvements! SF really flies now on even my Pi1! your constant attention and work to improve your addon is commendable and much appreciated!
(2015-10-03, 21:57)avshalog Wrote:
(2015-09-27, 09:38)spoyser Wrote:
(2015-09-26, 23:39)avshalog Wrote: hi,
I experience a problem to do actions on favorites with hebrew text. can't paste, rename, remove etc.
i saw there was a fix for older versions (overwrite default. py file with a new one) . is there a fix to the current ver. (

I wasn't aware it was still a problem, can you explain exactly what the problem is and I'll have a look.

Also if you can upload a log that would be useful too.

hi, sorry for the delayed response.
first, where can i find super favorites log file? its the regular kodi log file?
second, I'll explain the problem:
any action I preform on super favorites folder that has an hebrew name results a script error. for example rename, paste, remove.
there is no problem to create a hebrew name folder.
thank you!
hey spoyser!
is there any solution to. my problem?
right now I use a workaround:
I creating the menus in english and then rename them to hebrew with file manager.
bur this is realy annoying...

please help, because SF is really the best!
First, great work to all involved in this addon.

- I've not been able to figure out how to move, copy or delete multiple files at once. Ex. I'd like to move, copy 10+ files from one folder into another created favorite folder.

I've searched this entire thread and have seen it mentioned but no real answer ... seemed like it was coming in a update but still can't figure it out.

- Also, how can I get a playlist to actually play from one file to the next ... like in a queue type deal. (Can't figure out exactly how to create a functioning queue playlist.)

- I saw a question about a simple fix to "clean up" duplicate files in a created folder ... Was there an option other than deleting obvious duplicates one at a time after alpha sorting?

I'm using a Mac so any additional "Mac" tips would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance.
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[RELEASE] Super Favourites AKA Super-Addon Creator6