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[RELEASE] Missing Movie Plugin - Find Movies and TV Shows that are not in the library
Opened issue on github:

- Not working contextmenu entry movieinformation

Greetz X23
Hi guys, sorry for the lack of updates lately.

I'm really busy with university, and teaching a heap of students how to program, while working at my other job as well all keep getting in the way of being able to update the plugin.

Output to a text file is all in the code, ready for me to test, however I've hit a few permissions problems that I have to sort out to get it working. Once I get a spare day, or even a spare few hours, I'll be able to fix the problems.

igitur, thanks heaps for letting me know about those, they'll be in the next release for sure.

bosel, I'll add that to the filter now as well.

x23piracy, what do you mean by export the list manually? Do you mean write the list of missing movies to a file?

I am planning on adding sorting as well in the next release.

As for ignoring the subsequent parts of multifile videos, it's reasonably difficult to achieve accurately. Not all multifile movies are structured the way yours are, and it would be pretty easy for mistake a sequel for a second file. I'll try, but I can't make any promises.

Edit: Also, regarding the context menu, I'll try to add that as well.

Also, x23piracy, if you don't stop spamming everything attached to my name about this plugin, i.e. my email address and github account, with the EXACT same request, I will make a f***ing point not to implement the features you're asking. I don't get paid to do this, I do it out of the kindness of my heart, so have patience.
Want to find movies or TV shows not scraped into the XBMC library? Check out the Missing Movie Plugin!

I write other cool software! Check it out at github.com/nathan-hoad

Hiram Wrote:Also, x23piracy, if you don't stop spamming everything attached to my name about this plugin, i.e. my email address and github account, with the EXACT same request, I will make a f***ing point not to implement the features you're asking. I don't get paid to do this, I do it out of the kindness of my heart, so have patience.

in fact i wrote down the bugs i found,
then after i saw that your not here for the last days i thought its better to email you.
Then i found the Github page and thought again it would be better to use an existing issue tracker (github) to inform you.

Sorry if you get me wrong but i just wanted to tell you whats going wrong with the plugin and that the main feature (contextmenu > movieinformation) to add them manually to the library is not working.

Hiram Wrote:x23piracy, what do you mean by export the list manually? Do you mean write the list of missing movies to a file?

With extracting the list i mean a text file or something else since the context menu is not working for moveiinformation so there is no other way to keep all the missing movies in your brain or wrote done a list with a pencil and then navigating through video > files > source > find missing movie > context > movie information > refresh... (manually add to db)

Hiram Wrote:I am planning on adding sorting as well in the next release.

Nice! Smile

Hiram Wrote:Edit: Also, regarding the context menu, I'll try to add that as well.

Nice again!

Hiram Wrote:As for ignoring the subsequent parts of multifile videos, it's reasonably difficult to achieve accurately. Not all multifile movies are structured the way yours are, and it would be pretty easy for mistake a sequel for a second file. I'll try, but I can't make any promises.

Maybe you can make it like the custom file extensions as an option in plugin settings:
Switch: Multipartfiles (on/off)
Editfield: suffix (for example: .disk* or -* or cd*)

Normally the Suffix for the Multipart videos is in the end before the extension
(movie-1.avi -2.avi... movie cd1.avi cd2.avi movie.disk1.avi .disk2.avi):

John Rambo (2008).disk1.avi
John Rambo (2008).disk2.avi
John Rambo (2008) CD1.avi
John Rambo (2008) CD2.avi
John Rambo (2008)-1.avi
John Rambo (2008)-2.avi

Hey and a real sorry for that massively bugging from me.


There is also a bug with movie sets, only the first movie is indexed as added the
rest of the contents are always indexed as unadded movies.

Greetz X23

EDIT: If I remove the error messages is does work better.
I had so many errors, I guess I pressed escape to many times and cancelled the execution.

It does not work at all for me.
I get the xbmcgui.Dialog().ok("ERROR!", "Could not retrieve episodes for %s!"

I have added some extra trace and all that is happening is that an empty list is returned.
This makes sense since there is no episodes for for this show for the moment.
This is a valid scenario in xbmc if you delete your shows after watching. The show will be empty until next eposide.
Another issue in my specific setup is that I have a lot of folders that exist in a source that should absolutely NOT be included. Such as in "/"

I expected only files set to be scraped but not found to be included. I understand now that this is not the case.
This information is missing from the api as well as in the sources.xml I see.

From what I can gather the only way to determine this is to check the source against the myvideos34.path table and make sure strScraper != null

My intention was to modify it to automatically add missings show to db, since it turned out to be a plugin I will have to rewrite it anyway.
There have been a lot of updates to the XBMC JSON API lately rendering this plugin pretty useless. I've had a lot of drama in my life regarding new jobs and so on and so forth so this has been put on the backburner for quite a while - I have some free time now so I'm going to try and sort all the issues out to get it back to a working standard, then add things in like context menus and whatnot.

@vikjon0, removing shows after watching will indeed produce horrible amounts of messages. As you're the first to bring the issue up, what would you like to see happen instead?

If you're willing to help me get it going again, I'm happy to collaborate on your changes - i.e. automatically scrape missing shows rather than displaying a list.
Want to find movies or TV shows not scraped into the XBMC library? Check out the Missing Movie Plugin!

I write other cool software! Check it out at github.com/nathan-hoad
Quote:@vikjon0, removing shows after watching will indeed produce horrible amounts of messages. As you're the first to bring the issue up, what would you like to see happen instead?

If you're willing to help me get it going again, I'm happy to collaborate on your changes - i.e. automatically scrape missing shows rather than displaying a list.

Not sure, is this is an issue of xbmc leaving an unclean db after remove? What is remaining and why? I think there is a known bug with something going wrong in some scenarios.

I use a modified version of xbmc file cleaner and I was considering adding some more cleaning functionality when I better understand the issues.

For your plugin, I do not remember was there already an option to skip the error messages? If so, that is probably all that is needed. (I got a bit confused before I understood the issue)

Yes, I wanted to create an add-on that add missing files to lib (or better creates nfo). That is on the back burner for the moment since I think the issue is gone (for me) since I let sb create nfo for all TV before scraping.
it possible to add support for smb:// or this is still impossible ?
castortray Wrote:it possible to add support for smb:// or this is still impossible ?

Pretty much the same question. My files are all on a Debian server in my loft. I could Samba them or use Mediatomb. Likewise I could access them by a few different ways through Samba... am I correct in thinking all (3 I can think of?) are basically the same thing and won't work?
Sorry for the noob question. How exactly do you install this plugin for a windows 7 machine?
After a little trial and error I found the correct directory for windows 7. I placed the following "plugin.video.missingmovies" file in

c:\Program Files (x86)\XBMC\addons

Once I did that the plugin showed up in my Videos->addons folder. When I ran it didn't work at first until I realized that the plugin needs to be configured for ".m4v" files. All my movies are converted using Handbrake appletv2 format that uses this extension.

It would be nice in a future release to include the .m4v extension in the default extension list.

Great plugin. thanks for the hard work!
I get
ERROR: XFILE::CDirectory::GetDirectory - Error getting plugin://plugin.video.missingmovies/?mode=20
ERROR: CGUIMediaWindow::GetDirectory(plugin://plugin.video.missingmovies/?mode=20) failed

I have mounted all shares as network drives in Win7, is that why this wont work? I have close to 20TB worth of drives so moving them under my TV is kinda not happening.


Hiram Wrote:I have some free time now so I'm going to try and sort all the issues out to get it back to a working standard, then add things in like context menus and whatnot.

something new?

Greetz X23
I'd love this plugin, just found a load of orphaned movies by accident and it's frustrating XBMC doesn't catch them in library mode.
Why oh why does Xbmc not have this sort of functionality built in? I have 350 media files I imported and when 40 did not show up I spent the hours trying to track down the missing ones.

Quote:There have been a lot of updates to the XBMC JSON API lately rendering this plugin pretty useless.
Can you expand on this, which API additions will make this add-on redundant?

SMB Problem:
I think I have worked out why the add-on will not work with SMB shares on windows.

The os.walk(path) python function does not work with SMB: paths on windows, that is with the protocol qualifyer od SMB: at the start, I think this is because windows sees //machine/folder by default as an smb path and when python passes the full path of SMB://machine/dir it fails. This is not really a bug just a cross system oddity that exists in the programming world.

Anyway, I have tested a fix on my machine in a limited test environment, just a small change to the def get_files(path): function.

def get_files(path):
    smbProt = False
    if path.startswith("smb:"):
        smbProt = True
        path = path.replace('smb:', '')

    print "WALKING PATH : %s" %path
    results = []
    for root, sub_folders, files in os.walk(path):
        print "PROCESSING PATH : %s" %root
        for f in files:
            print "PROCESSING FILE : %s" %f
            if file_has_extensions(f, FILE_EXTENSIONS):
                if smbProt:
                    f = "smb:" + root + "/" + f
                    f = os.path.join(root, f)
                print "ADDING FILE : %s" %f

    return results
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[RELEASE] Missing Movie Plugin - Find Movies and TV Shows that are not in the library2