HOW-TO get local trailers to work
Hey everyone, so i spent a fair amount of time trying to figure this out. Maybe i'm just a nub but it stumped me so it has to have stumped a few others along the way.

I tried using the xbmc trailers icon in the skins but it never worked or just seemed to buffer non stop, i was able to download trailers for almost all of my movies from For most new movies it has a default download for mobile icon, when it doesn't i just downloaded manually using Replay Media Catcher ( its a paid for software but they have a trial (only allows 50% download) and a trial pay option.

From there you can do things two ways, 1) Ember Media Manager (just a few tweaks to get working 100%) or just place into the same folder as the movie itself.

Take a movie like 9 for example, movie is named 9.mkv, trailer in same folder rename 9-trailer.* (file type doesn't matter, flv, .mp4, whatever xbmc plays). Just make sure its the exact same name, so a movie torrented with a long name like 9-xvid-1080p-hd (2010).mkv has to have the same exact name, 9-xvid-1080p-hd (2010)-trailer.mp4

ember media manger is pretty good about taking care of everything, the big bug i ran into was that i have all of my movies in a VIDEO_TS, .vob files. It choose to name it the wrong movie, change it so that the trailer is always VIDEO_TS-trailer.* and then it'll always work.

I really like having local trailers, no more streaming, and a typical trailer is like 15mb, so super tiny. I have like 500+ movies and all together the trailers take up less than 7gb all together. Storage is cheap so i prefer it over streaming which takes forever.

Hope this helps someone and saves them the time that i took to figure it all out!!
Thank you!

Is IS useful, indeed.

Enô Klinger
Instead of Replay media catcher, check out Orbit downloader or JDownloader. Orbit has a bit better interface and is great for Flash. JDownloader has a slightly higher learning curve, but more download options.
Downloading Quicktime Alternate lets you download Apple trailers a lot easier.
thanks a lot man. this cleared and helped soooo much. media catcher worked great also!
Is there any way to get 2 trailers, teaser and full trailer?
I have tried to get the local trailers to work, and it goes fine, except with my DVD-rips located in the 2 folders 'AUDIO_TS' and 'VIDEO_TS'. I have placed the trailer in the root with the name 'VIDEO_TS-trailer', so the root folder now has 3 elements:


But it doesn't work. Any suggestions on how to get this to work?
Well, I managed to figure this out. Maybe I didn't understand you post last time, but after reading it a couple of times, it gave me an idea that worked.

The trailer file should be located IN the folder 'VIDEO_TS', with the file VIDEO_TS.VOB, and the trailer file still called VIDEO_TS-trailer.*.

I guess this was what you tried to say previously, which I just didn't get. Sorry for this and thanks for posting it in the first place.

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