Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
I apologize up front if this is not the correct forum to post this, but I'm not sure where exactly to post this question. In the "confluence" software, it states that my storage for /dev/disk0s1s2 (/private/var) is being used to the max right now and I'm not sure if this is the problem thats causing me not to be able to playback shows. Does anyone know how to clear or free up the memory for this?
You could install the xbmchub maintenance addon from the fusion installer.
Or you could SSH into the aTV and manually delete the files to clear space. This info is on the XBMC wiki.

I think you are talking about a problem that I had in the past.

Here is my original thread:

I believe that I ended up deleting the "Local and Rental" and "Other" caches. After that, everything worked great.

Hope that helps!
I assume you know how to ssh into your atv 2? Go to mobile/library/cache/appletv/video/localandrental

you can delete everything in there and it won't harm a thing. It also usually holds all the extra thumbnails and fan art that you didn't use i think. Does the trick every time and gets rid of at least a gig sometimes.

sorry just now saw the post right above mine! guess it can't hurt to say it twice.

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