Req RPi2 B with Hifiberr DAC+ - HDMI sound missing
Dear all

I have got RPi 2 B with Openelec 5.0.3. It works great. However I am not satisfied with the quality of audio 3,5mm output on RPi2. Therefore I am going to buy Hifiberry DAC+.
But as far as I know after installing the Hifiberry DAC+ module there is no possibility of getting sound both on Hifiberry DAC+ and HDMI.
There is ALSA possibility for DAC+ but then sound on HDMI is missing. For me it is a great inconvenience.
Is there any possibility to have sound on both DAC+ RCA outs and HDMI? (as it is already possible for both HDMI and Analog in Audio Settings).

Best regards,
No. You may be better off with a HDMI/audio splitter.
Something like this
The problem is the quality of sound as I mentioned at the begining. I am going to add Hifiberry DAC+ to get top quality, and the splitter for HDMI is rather poor, even the 3,5mm out from Raspberry should be much better. Then I come again with the question: is there any particular hardware reason that the sound could not be both on HDMI and DAC+ (to be more detailed on HDMI and I2S interface) ?
(2015-02-24, 14:29)artur.d Wrote: The problem is the quality of sound as I mentioned at the begining. I am going to add Hifiberry DAC+ to get top quality, and the splitter for HDMI is rather poor, even the 3,5mm out from Raspberry should be much better. Then I come again with the question: is there any particular hardware reason that the sound could not be both on HDMI and DAC+ (to be more detailed on HDMI and I2S interface) ?

It's not something supported by Kodi.
The dual HDMI/analogue is implemented on the GPU and not as part of Kodi, but GPU knows nothing about ALSA devices.

The main reason it's not supported is different audio devices may have different clock drifts which makes audio/video sync very problematic.
(2015-02-24, 14:29)artur.d Wrote: The problem is the quality of sound as I mentioned at the begining. I am going to add Hifiberry DAC+ to get top quality, and the splitter for HDMI is rather poor, even the 3,5mm out from Raspberry should be much better. Then I come again with the question: is there any particular hardware reason that the sound could not be both on HDMI and DAC+ (to be more detailed on HDMI and I2S interface) ?

The analog interface in Raspberry has S/N of 66dB
Any decent amplifier with digital input provides better quality.

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RPi2 B with Hifiberr DAC+ - HDMI sound missing0