2015-09-20, 16:26
(2015-09-20, 16:09)doldi Wrote: ...well, 'have done. It was a hardly Job, because with "aktiv logging" the KODI-CPU was over 80%.
Have to stop my not working VideoAddon to create this: http://xbmclogs.com/pcsns96hf
Possibly unrelated but you might want to disable the following two repositories which are no longer available and seem to be spamming your log with failed curl and CRepositoryUpdateJob requests:
15:54:52 309.902100 T:1834443776 ERROR: Open - failed to open source <https://spoyser-repo.googlecode.com/git/RAM.FM/addons.xml.md5>
15:54:54 311.393097 T:1766810624 ERROR: Open - failed to open source <https://bitbucket.org/tcz009/theyidxxx/raw/master/addons.xml.md5>
It's possible these repeated (and eventually failing) requests are putting a lot of load on your Pi. Get rid of them, then see if the audio problem continues.