TvTunes while playing Music
i've got some issues with tvtunes while im playing some music.. if i start a track and go back to the homescreen, music is playing. thats what i want. after this i'll open my tv-show library, music stops and tvtunes is playing some themes but changes always the volume from 0db to -47db. i have always to increase the volume to 0db to hear anything. anybody know that problem and can help me?

Check your settings. IIRC TVTunes has a setting to reduce volume when starting.
ASUS Chromebox M004U (LibreELEC 8.2/Aeon Nox SiLVO)--->HDMI--->Onkyo TX-NR646--->HDMI--->Panasonic P65VT30
mh okay. there is an entry for TvTunes volume but not for volume reducing. if i dont play music (or a movie) and change to my tv-shows library, tv tunes works perfect! ill try some settings with the TvTunes volume and will look if anybody changes. thank you
okay, ich changed the volume in tvtunes settings to 100. if i play music and enter my library, the song stops and tv tunes plays some theme with 0db. it seems to work! but if i leave the library and start a song again (or i dont leave and start an episode), the volume changes to -47db.

if i play a movie or an episode, leave the fullscreen and change to my tv-shows library, tvtunes doesnt work. is it possible that tvtunes doesent work if i play music too? i aleady hate to start a track again if i enter the library (watching for some informations) and leave it again.
If you don't get any answers here, you might try the TVTunes support thread.
ASUS Chromebox M004U (LibreELEC 8.2/Aeon Nox SiLVO)--->HDMI--->Onkyo TX-NR646--->HDMI--->Panasonic P65VT30
I have the same problem... Seems there is no solution to this.
System: Nvidia Shield TV Pro 2019 | Kodi Version: v21 Omega | Skin: Aeon MQ7 Mod

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