v17 3D SBS scaling bug?
Hi all,

I have an issue with 3D SBS files with krypton.
Some of the files are playing o.k. and some are scaled incorrectly. The movie is shrinked then.

I have extracted the line from krypton's log which reflects the problem:

16:12:31 T:2932 DEBUG: CRenderManager::Configure - change configuration. 1920x1080. display: 3840x1080. framerate: 23.98. format: DXVA > not o.k.

15:33:54 T:6492 DEBUG: CRenderManager::Configure - change configuration. 1920x800. display: 1920x800. framerate: 23.98. format: DXVA

15:33:12 T:5468 DEBUG: CRenderManager::Configure - change configuration. 1280x688. display: 2560x688. framerate: 23.98. format: DXVA > not o.k.

In jarvis all works well and the scaling is o.k.:

16:24:50 T:6228 DEBUG: CDVDPlayerVideo::OutputPicture - change configuration. 1920x1080. framerate: 23.98. format: DXVA

15:30:23 T:308 DEBUG: CDVDPlayerVideo::OutputPicture - change configuration. 1920x800. framerate: 23.98. format: DXVA

15:29:41 T:7160 DEBUG: CDVDPlayerVideo::OutputPicture - change configuration. 1280x688. framerate: 23.98. format: DXVA

In krypton also the aspect ratio is changed after playback. It seems to affect only files with 1.78 which is then chnaged to 2.76:1
I can provide full debug log files if needed.

Hi all,

just in case here are the debug logs.

Jarvis wehre scaling is o.k.:


Krypton where scaling is broken:


I hope that this helps. If you need me to do more testing, please let me know.
I just did some more testing on the issue.

You can reproduce it by using the sample file from http://kodi.wiki/view/Samples > The 3d Testclip 6. HSBS https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BwxFVkl...sp=sharing

The log file:


The wrong scaling occurs when playing the file in 3D and also when it is played in 2D mode.
Can anyone provide some feedback on that?
Bump... did a search on the forum and this was the only match I could find for this. Everything worked fine in Krypton but videos are scaled incorrectly in Krypton for me too. You end up with a small image in the middle of the screen rather than it being scaled correctly. It seems fine on videos that are 16:9 ratio, but anything else is wrong.

Anybody have any ideas at all?
Looks like this is a ffmpeg bug.
The only reference I've found:

http://trac.kodi.tv/ticket/16774 > issue still open
https://trac.ffmpeg.org/ticket/5682 > closed

Maybe anyone of the developers could provide some status on this bug and when it will be fixed in kodi.
The bug still exists in beta1. Can anyone provide a status if this is going to be fixed?
I've tested beta3 and the bug still exists. Can anyone please provide info if it will be fixed at all in the final version?
Anyone please?
Could you try this build http://mirrors.kodi.tv/test-builds/win32...vc_wip.exe please?
@afedchin: Thanks a lot!!! Your relese rules. Bug fixed in this version. All 3D has correct aspect ratio. Your version decodes 3D Bluray. Unfortunately only in software on my system (old radeon 3200) Will take a look into the other thread abouzt 3D and mvc. Maybe there's a wqay to get H/W acceleration.
So thanks a lot again. Hope that your fix will be included in the final release.
Same issue for me with Beta 3, and MVC build works fine.
Hope also the MVC supports will be added to the final release but I don't think Sad
MVC support will not be added to the final. Kodi 17 in a beta stage already so no new features, only bugfixing.
So I hope you will support your fork for a long time and I will use it Smile thank you !
@afedchin: Will this bug be fixed in the mainline of kodi in the final version? As you state it's only bugfixing and it is apparently a bug Wink It worked in older krypton nightlies.
I hope. Currently MVC build has a some kind a hack to solve the issue. We are looking for proper solution. Unfortunately there is a lot of task in real life.
I've provided a log and some media infos of working/non working files here, in case you've missed it, if that's of any help.

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3D SBS scaling bug?0