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@primaeval, so in simple word it means i cant a button which can take me to the lists of my reminders?

(2017-01-15, 12:41)samueljones Wrote: @primaeval, so in simple word it means i cant a button which can take me to the lists of my reminders?


No you can't. It has to be run as a RunScript but there is not much you can do after that.

Don't forget if you have set the Number Keys to perform the Channel Number Shortcut action,
you can remap the Actions for the Reminders Lists to another key in Settings \ Lab1 \ Action Editor.

If you are making your own skin you could make a button with that Action or Number as an <onclick> action and that would pop up the Reminders Lists.
Add this in to the OSD controls around line 1753 in script-tvguide-main.xml
                <control type="button">
@primaeval, some more progress. been a little bit busy at work, should be ready for public download this week.

Added some buttons to Epg but recordings button is a just dummy lol.


Added video resolution to OSD:


Will have a look at your github to see how to maximize the functionality of this addon.
(2017-01-15, 22:41)moshoodo123 Wrote: ^^^

Looking neat. Smile Just ask if you need something done in gui.py.
@primaeval , just a quick question bro, just to confirm if it is possible to create a custom page xml in 720p file. am trying to create a custom page and call other kodi addons from there. since TV guide now support addon calls.

see the attach image to see what I am trying to mimick


Thanks for your time.
(2017-01-16, 18:26)moshoodo123 Wrote: @primaeval , just a quick question bro, just to confirm if it is possible to create a custom page xml in 720p file. am trying to create a custom page and call other kodi addons from there. since TV guide now support addon calls.

see the attach image to see what I am trying to mimick


Thanks for your time.

You'll need to make a separate addon for that window so you can call the window with the ActivateWindow command.
TV Guide Fullscreen runs as a script with RunScript calls and doesn't have urls for the separate pages.
Do you know how to do that or do you need some help?

If you want a page to come up within your skin that is integrated into the guide I need to add another window class in gui.py.
That might be an idea. I expect @myname would like that as he could fill it with buttons. Wink

Hi primaeval

Just wanted to ask if it's possible to add "Catergories" tabs along top like I have edited the image above.

To explain it in more details you would add categories from the right click options as normal but as you save it, can it add to the main page automatically for us to browse in main page.

Just an idea hope it can be implemented.

(2017-01-16, 18:37)primaeval Wrote:
(2017-01-16, 18:26)moshoodo123 Wrote: @primaeval , just a quick question bro, just to confirm if it is possible to create a custom page xml in 720p file. am trying to create a custom page and call other kodi addons from there. since TV guide now support addon calls.

see the attach image to see what I am trying to mimick

Thanks for your time.

You'll need to make a separate addon for that window so you can call the window with the ActivateWindow command.
TV Guide Fullscreen runs as a script with RunScript calls and doesn't have urls for the separate pages.
Do you know how to do that or do you need some help?

If you want a page to come up within your skin that is integrated into the guide I need to add another window class in gui.py.
That might be an idea. I expect @myname would like that as he could fill it with buttons. Wink

Sorry I've been away from the forum for a while, been busy. Still need to re-upload my changes to my skin, but I'll get to that later..

There is no need to make all new xml files, really, as it can all be done in the menu.xml file with visible commands. I do this in my private skins all the time.

Simply create a new section at the top of the menu.xml and make a button on the menu that calls the new 'window' you want to use. When the button is clicked make it give focus to a hidden button from the new 'window'. This button is the key to everything, very important. Make everything in the new 'window' only visible when this button is visible, and add another layer of the background image below it all to cover up the normal menu window.

I'll try and post some examples later, but I may have to remove some code first so it doesn't get binned...
(2017-01-16, 18:39)coolstud Wrote: Hi primaeval

Just wanted to ask if it's possible to add "Catergories" tabs along top like I have edited the image above.

To explain it in more details you would add categories from the right click options as normal but as you save it, can it add to the main page automatically for us to browse in main page.

Just an idea hope it can be implemented.


The Categories come up in their own dialog box with most of the background hidden in the file:
and the
class CatMenu
in gui.py

There is an Action and a Button to bring them up.

I don't want to add them in as controls in the main epg.
There are much too many changes that I haven't got the energy for.
If I think of an easy solution or someone else comes up with the code I'll add it in later.
@coolstud I tried to add it in the main epg but it too tricky to control without a lot of work.
You can experiment with the categories branch in Github if you want.

The mouse and arrow keys control the main epg so you need to move the focus to the categories list if they are both on the screen at the same time.
All the code in gui.py needs to have alternative actions depending on whether the categories list or main epg is focused.

I'm going to stick with the categories list in its own dialog but feel free to experiment.
@RayW1986 , nice to see you again. please any tutorial on how to do the custom page as you explain above will be great. you guys rock. thumbs up.
Just reading some of the threads about categories. I came onto this addon just before Christmas so I am still trying to catch up a bit. I understand how to create a category, add channels to it and access it through the context menu. Is there a quicker way to access/select a category from the EPG screen?

Great work on the addon.....thanks for the continuous development!!

One little thing....every time there is an update the show the date in long form always gets checked. It would be great that if I turn it off it stayed that way from update to update.
(2017-01-17, 02:08)Cangeoboy Wrote: Just reading some of the threads about categories. I came onto this addon just before Christmas so I am still trying to catch up a bit. I understand how to create a category, add channels to it and access it through the context menu. Is there a quicker way to access/select a category from the EPG screen?


If you can touch the screen there is an invisible button at the top now.

The Categories menu comes up with the Menu button which is m in windows and I think the Menu hard button on Android.

You can set it to another button in keymap.xml or in Settings \ Lab1 \ Action Editor.

You should be able to remap it in Keymap Editor but it is not there yet.
I submitted a patch but it's still pending.
(2017-01-17, 03:21)Scott00007 Wrote: Great work on the addon.....thanks for the continuous development!!

One little thing....every time there is an update the show the date in long form always gets checked. It would be great that if I turn it off it stayed that way from update to update.

It should be long by default. Here it is in the settings.xml file.

<setting id="date.long" label="Show Long Date in EPG" type="bool" default="true" />

This is where it sets the date format:
and this is the function that depends on the system region.

I can't see how it could be resetting it on a new version.
That is the only place that label is set.

Are you using the default skin?

[EDIT] Does it look like this in userdata\addon_data\script.tvguide.fullscreen\settings.xml ?
<setting id="date.long" value="true" />
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