(2017-03-29, 09:02)janbar Wrote: (2017-03-27, 01:09)Smallmountains Wrote: MythTV backend .28 on mythbuntu 16.04... Kodi 17.1 frontend temporarily on Windows 10 pro. MythTV PVR issue (I think).
When looking at the guide, and I select a show I want to record, I select "record"....it created a timer to record the show right before the one I selected. GRRrrr!
I've just spent over an hour going back through the configuration of both backend and front end looking for anything that would cause this and came up empty.
Date and times are correct on both, timezones are correct on both, DST enabled on both.....
There is two possible root cause. First is day light saving occured and then you have to restart kodi (I don t know why the dls flag isn t assigned correctly for times following the transition, so restart kodi). Second is overlap of programs in epg: the addon find the first program having end time following the selected start time.
I can think of a possible reason for this....
If you are using EIT over the air guide, mythbackend will continuously update show start and end times as the broadcaster adjusts for sporting events / live programs etc...
Kodi only updates guide data from the backend periodically (every 120 minutes by default - it's a setting under PVR & Live TV / Guide/Update Interval) or when you restart kodi.
(2017-03-29, 09:02)janbar Wrote: Second is overlap of programs in epg: the addon find the first program having end time following the selected start time.
Theory: When you ask kodi to record a show, pvr.mythtv gets the show start time and channel from the kodi guide and asks the backend to record the first programme which ends after that start time.
If on the backend the show before yours now finishes a little later (even 1 second), it will be the first show to finish after your selected start time, and a timer will be set up to record the wrong show!
Question: Does the addon choose the show to record based on an end time, or is this choice made by the backend?
I've never seen this problem myself, but I get my guide data from schedules direct between 2 and 4 am each morning and kodi starts when I turn my TV on. This means if a show starts early or late on the day I miss part of it (all my recordings start 5 minutes early and finish 5 minutes late as a work-around using the mythbackend global option for this), but the backend always sets up a timer for the show I select in the kodi guide.
Possible solutions:
- Use schedules direct instead of EIT guide data
- Capture your EIT data in 'window' mode (https://code.mythtv.org/trac/ticket/10076)
- Change the pvr.mythtv client in some way to cater for the possibility that backend schedule data may have been updated (or show start and end times overlap slightly)
You could probably do '3' by querying guide data for the selected start time and taking appropriate action if the wrong show is reported. This wouldn't be simple and probably needs to be debugged by someone using your guide data over a reasonable timeframe to ensure it can deal with the most common re-scheduling scenarios.
You never know, @
janbar may be able to come up with an easy solution to the problem :-)
NB: I am running a patched version of Janbar's add-on with changes to setting up timers, but suspect this problem is more likely to be guide data related.