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v18 LibreELEC Testbuilds for RaspberryPi (Kodi 18.0)
I did some more tests yesterday evening, my netflix issues are very certainly (CPU) performance limits.

With the overclock settings posted by milhouse my "Black Mirror S01E02" test worked fine, but as expected I'm running into temperature limit issues (hitting 80°C and throttling after about 15min).

I2S soundcard blocking hot air venting up certainly isn't great, rotating the RPi by 90° (so HDMI is pointing upwards and hot air can vent up) seems to help a bit (max temp about 76°C) but that still seems a bit too marginal to me - I'd probably have to dig into some more creative / better cooling solutions.

BTW: when checking temperatures via bcmstat or kodi GUI keep in mind that reported temperatures are 5°C too low (known bug in kernel 4.12 and 4.13, only RPi3 is affected). vcgencmd measure_temp reports the correct temperature

I did a few tests with overclock settings and it looks like both the ARM overclock and the GPU overclock (which also bumps CORE freq) are needed. With only one of these settings enabled RPi3 couldn't keep up.

In my tests I've used the codecinfo overlay (shift+ctrl+o) to monitor video bitrate, buffer level and CPU utilization.

Buffer level was typically at 99-100%, both on my main RPi3 (connected directly to router) and on my test RPi3 (behind a wifi bridge). I'm very certain network issues can be ruled out in that case.

On a non-overclocked RPi3 2 CPU cores are typically maxed out (100%) when the video bitrate reached about 4-5Mbit/sec. With overclocking it's a bit better, 2 cores at about 90-95% at about 5Mbit/sec - but it's a bit hard to monitor as reported bitrate and CPU utilization are fluctuating quite a lot.

Bandwidth limiting in inputstream.adaptive seems to work a bit odd - it does affect average and peak bitrate (probably depending a lot on which stream "profiles" are available for a netflix stream) but in my tests I had to limit it to 3Mbit max to play correctly on a non-overclocked RPi3.

Here's a screenshot I grabbed yesterday, non-overclocked RPi3, max bitrate 4Mbit/sec configured in inputstream.adaptive, video bitrate (reported by codecinfo overlay) at 5.25MBit/sec - largest value I had seen in that test was about 5.5MBit/sec.


so long,

(2017-10-27, 10:58)HiassofT Wrote: I did some more tests yesterday evening, my netflix issues are very certainly (CPU) performance limits.

With the overclock settings posted by milhouse my "Black Mirror S01E02" test worked fine, but as expected I'm running into temperature limit issues (hitting 80°C and throttling after about 15min).

That's why I got the official Kodi case recently. This thing is awesome, and by buying it you support the project as well Smile

My overclocked Pi was constantly hitting 78°C and started throttling. With the new case it doesn't get hotter than 59°C.

Btw., despite the cool CPU my Pi does eventually crash when running it at 1,350MHz. With 1,400MHz it won't even finish booting. 1,300MHz with the rest of Milhouses settings is perfectly stable.
(2017-10-27, 01:51)Milhouse Wrote: OK, I've added the sha256 checksums to the last release post #1026, and will include them in future release posts.

Nice Big Grin Thank you very much!
New LibreELEC.tv Leia build #1027: RPi / RPi2
(Supercedes previous build)

SHA256 Checksum: 7ac73ca7eb39262cbbe59219bcd1e39518cc4fc0d032c7967fa61241ae1f6e99 (RPi)
SHA256 Checksum: 1f366068663da189debb7bc13802e248da801199a200ae9344137de7c1d5c5d9 (RPi2)

# uname -a
Linux rpi512 4.13.10 #1 Fri Oct 27 22:03:59 BST 2017 armv6l GNU/Linux

# vcgencmd version
Oct 24 2017 17:13:32
Copyright (c) 2012 Broadcom
version a3d7660e6749e75e2c4ce4d377846abd3b3be283 (clean) (release)

# lsb_release
LibreELEC (Milhouse): devel-20171027214914-#1027-g2a530ac [Build #1027]

# Kodi version
(18.0-ALPHA1 Git:2177369). Platform: Linux ARM 32-bit

Based on tip of LibreELEC.tv master (2a530ac, changelog) and tip of XBMC master (2177369, changelog) with the following modifications: Build Highlights:
  1. New 4.13.10 kernel
Build Details:
  1. LibreELEC.tv:
    • pathlib: fix PKG_URL (PR:2150, 1 commit, 1 file changed)
  2. XBMC:
    • Update customcontroller.Harmony.xml (PR:12961, 1 commit, 1 file changed)
    • [depends] bump curl to 7.56.1 (PR:12950, 1 commit, 1 file changed)
  3. pvr.vdr.vnsi:
    • fix segfaults after connection gets lost (PR:10, 3 commits, 4 files changed)
  4. kernel 4.13.y:
    • Commits no longer in build:
      • staging: bcm2835-audio: Fix memory corruption (8418dd70)
Texture Cache Maintenance Utility: Preload your texture cache for optimal UI performance. Remotely manage media libraries. Purge unused artwork to free up space. Find missing media. Configurable QA check to highlight metadata issues. Aid in diagnosis of library and cache related problems.
Hi. Im not sure if this is libreelec testbuild related but i cant find anyone with same issue on the forum.
I wanted to use Airplay with sodaplayer from my laptop. So i activated airplay in sodaplayer an instead of playing the stream, libreelec reboots.
Tried it with latest build and with my previous one, i think #0619
(2017-10-27, 23:55)Milhouse Wrote: New LibreELEC.tv Leia build #1027: RPi / RPi2
(Supercedes previous build)

SHA256 Checksum: 7ac73ca7eb39262cbbe59219bcd1e39518cc4fc0d032c7967fa61241ae1f6e99 (RPi)
SHA256 Checksum: 1f366068663da189debb7bc13802e248da801199a200ae9344137de7c1d5c5d9 (RPi2)


Is ADSP already back in recent builds?
edit found it
When watching any video (movie from my hdd, amazon & netflix stream plugins), the 5.1 audio channels only produce a constant "buzzing" sound, even if i pause playback. Selecting any stereo audio channel (if available), everything is alright.
I'm running #1026 on my pi3. Before that I used #1019 without this issue. MMAL is the only active video player in my config.

Is anyone else having this problem?
@blubberblub can you confirm the first build with this problem?
Texture Cache Maintenance Utility: Preload your texture cache for optimal UI performance. Remotely manage media libraries. Purge unused artwork to free up space. Find missing media. Configurable QA check to highlight metadata issues. Aid in diagnosis of library and cache related problems.
(2017-10-28, 11:46)sakos Wrote: Hi,

Is ADSP already back in recent builds?

No, and I don't know when it will be back.
Texture Cache Maintenance Utility: Preload your texture cache for optimal UI performance. Remotely manage media libraries. Purge unused artwork to free up space. Find missing media. Configurable QA check to highlight metadata issues. Aid in diagnosis of library and cache related problems.
(2017-10-28, 07:40)dsenseb Wrote: Hi. Im not sure if this is libreelec testbuild related but i cant find anyone with same issue on the forum.
I wanted to use Airplay with sodaplayer from my laptop. So i activated airplay in sodaplayer an instead of playing the stream, libreelec reboots.
Tried it with latest build and with my previous one, i think #0619

Are you sure LibreELEC is rebooting, and that it's not Kodi crashing and restarting? Can you check for a Kodi crashlog and upload it.
Texture Cache Maintenance Utility: Preload your texture cache for optimal UI performance. Remotely manage media libraries. Purge unused artwork to free up space. Find missing media. Configurable QA check to highlight metadata issues. Aid in diagnosis of library and cache related problems.
(2017-10-28, 19:25)Milhouse Wrote: @blubberblub can you confirm the first build with this problem?

I'll see what I can do tomorrow morning...
(2017-10-25, 17:51)dantist Wrote: Image

Have you already had the chance to look at the Hyperion-issue?

I get occasional freezes with #0913 and would like to try newer releases, but I also don't wanna lose my Ambilight Smile

(2017-10-25, 17:51)dantist Wrote:
(2017-10-25, 12:56)popcornmix Wrote: The contents of /storage/logfiles/hyperion.log when working and not working may be useful

#0913: https://pastebin.com/7pbwUyHk
#1024: https://pastebin.com/pzLZJ1Na

Based on the above logs, what seems to be happening is that Hyperion is using JSON to query Kodi and determine the type of player that is now active - video or audio - after receiving the "Player.OnPlay" notification.

Unfortunately, the Hyperion log only captures half of the communication - the responses and not the requests - so I can only guess that Hyperion is issuing a "Player.GetActivePlayers" request after receiving the "Player.OnPlay" notification.

This is the notification and then reply from the #0913 log:
KODICHECK INFO: Kodi Message: {"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"Player.OnPlay","params":{"data":{"item":{"id":2793,"type":"episode"},"player":{"playerid":1,"speed":1}},"sender":"xbmc"}}
KODICHECK INFO: Kodi Message: {"id":666,"jsonrpc":"2.0","result":[{"playerid":1,"type":"video"}]}
and the same, but from #1024:
KODICHECK INFO: Kodi Message: {"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"Player.OnPlay","params":{"data":{"item":{"id":2793,"type":"episode"},"player":{"playerid":1,"speed":1}},"sender":"xbmc"}}
KODICHECK INFO: Kodi Message: {"id":666,"jsonrpc":"2.0","result":[]}

Notice that the reply (presumably, for "Player.GetActivePlayers"), is "[]" which indicates there is no active player.

So my guess is that there is now a "timing" issue in Kodi since #0914, introduced by one or both of:
  • VideoPlayer: make OpenFile asynchron (PR:12797, 2 commits, 11 files changed)
  • VideoPlayer: fix OnPlayBack callbacks (PR:12799, 2 commits, 3 files changed)

I would suggest that since #0914, whenever Kodi kicks out a "Player.OnPlay" notification, it is now possible (due to the asynchronous open?) for the Kodi player to not yet be "active", so that any client (such as Hyperion) querying Kodi immediately (or very soon) after receiving a "Player.OnPlay" notification, will be informed there is no active player (which is a change in behaviour compared with #0913). If Hyperion had waited 1-2 seconds after receiving the "Player.OnPlay" notification there almost certainly would have been an active video player - but obviously, adding a random delay isn't a solution!

You should open a Kodi trac ticket for this...
Texture Cache Maintenance Utility: Preload your texture cache for optimal UI performance. Remotely manage media libraries. Purge unused artwork to free up space. Find missing media. Configurable QA check to highlight metadata issues. Aid in diagnosis of library and cache related problems.
@dantist: In fact, I'm sure what I've said above is what is happening.

In #0914 (which has fully working JSON-RPC without broken version numbers present in current builds), run "texturecache.py monitor" in one ssh window, and in a second ssh window get ready to run "texturecache.py status" (this executes the "Player.GetActivePlayers" query), and then in Kodi start playback of a video.

You will see the "Player.OnPlay" notification in the "monitor" window, and if you run the "status" query as soon as possible after the notification is received you will see:
Current Profile     : Master user
Scanning Music      : No
Scanning Video      : No
ScreenSaver Active  : No
Suspend Supported   : Yes
Idle Timer Enabled  : No
System Idle > 600s  : No
PVR Enabled         : No
Player              : None

ie. there is no active player, even though a "Player.OnPlay" notification has been issued and received, and it's this that causes Hyperion to fail because it doesn't believe there is an active video player.

If you now wait until the video is playing (video frames being rendered on display etc.) and re-run the "status" command you will see that there is an active video player:

Current Profile     : Master user
Scanning Music      : No
Scanning Video      : No
ScreenSaver Active  : No
Suspend Supported   : Yes
Idle Timer Enabled  : No
System Idle > 600s  : No
PVR Enabled         : No
Player              : Video
Activity            : Unknown
Title               : kodi.mp4
Progress            : 00:01:27 (4.46%, 00:31:14 remaining)

Repeat the above in #0913 and there will always be an active player in Kodi by the time the "Player.OnPlay" notification is issued/received.

A trac ticket is the best way to progress this.
Texture Cache Maintenance Utility: Preload your texture cache for optimal UI performance. Remotely manage media libraries. Purge unused artwork to free up space. Find missing media. Configurable QA check to highlight metadata issues. Aid in diagnosis of library and cache related problems.
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LibreELEC Testbuilds for RaspberryPi (Kodi 18.0)24