2018-06-17, 09:47
I used top -H in order to measure Threads and then I to see the stats on non Irix mode for multicore processors
(2018-06-14, 15:02)DaveBlake Wrote:Just a quick note to say that I experienced the crash/restart just now after having played several albums, so I think we can rule out a sleepy NAS.(2018-06-13, 12:49)Halloway Wrote: Crash & restart when playing folder with FLAC music files. #0611@Halloway is it likely when this happens that the NAS drive is asleep, or that the first file to play is somehow inaccessible?
I've been experiencing this on and off over the past couple of weeks but haven't been able to repeat reliably it until now. I go to Music > Files > Music NAS (the name I gave the Music folder on my SMB NAS) and then select an album folder and try to play it by pressing the 'P' key. KODI looks like it is going to play the first track but then the screen goes dark and a few seconds later reboots. I can play the same files OK if I open the folder and then select the first track.
(RPi2)text:# uname -a
Linux rpi512 4.14.49 #1 Sun Jun 17 21:04:31 BST 2018 armv6l GNU/Linux
# vcgencmd version
Jun 7 2018 15:37:30
Copyright © 2012 Broadcom
version 4800f08a139d6ca1c5ecbee345ea6682e2160881 (clean) (release)
# lsb_release
LibreELEC (Milhouse): devel-20180617210312-#0617-gdd4eaa1 [Build #0617]
# Kodi version
(18.0-ALPHA2 Git:37f55e6). Platform: Linux ARM 32-bit
(2018-06-18, 10:23)DaveBlake Wrote: Crash on music playback - @Halloway , @HiassofT and @aleksobs can you report if #0616 has fixed the issues you were having PR14039 and PR14055 may have helped. A debug log would help if you still have issues.It works good now! Thanks.
Please ping me in the reply as I don't always watch this thread.
(2018-06-18, 10:23)DaveBlake Wrote: Crash on music playback - @Halloway , @HiassofT and @aleksobs can you report if #0616 has fixed the issues you were having PR14039 and PR14055 may have helped. A debug log would help if you still have issues.@DaveBlake quick test with build #0617 looks good, playback of a music folder on sdcard didn't crash kodi.
Please ping me in the reply as I don't always watch this thread.
(2018-06-18, 10:23)DaveBlake Wrote: Crash on music playback - @Halloway , @HiassofT and @aleksobs can you report if #0616 has fixed the issues you were having PR14039 and PR14055 may have helped. A debug log would help if you still have issues.Have tried launching 10-15 albums and all have played without a problem with #0617.
Please ping me in the reply as I don't always watch this thread.
(2018-06-18, 10:53)Germeleon Wrote: Will there be a new Experimental Linux 4.17.x-build?
(RPi2)text:# uname -a
Linux rpi512 4.14.50 #1 Mon Jun 18 22:13:43 BST 2018 armv6l GNU/Linux
# vcgencmd version
Jun 7 2018 15:37:30
Copyright © 2012 Broadcom
version 4800f08a139d6ca1c5ecbee345ea6682e2160881 (clean) (release)
# lsb_release
LibreELEC (Milhouse): devel-20180618221145-#0618-g419eba4 [Build #0618]
# Kodi version
(18.0-ALPHA2 Git:37f55e6). Platform: Linux ARM 32-bit
(2018-06-19, 00:48)hagertyoh Wrote: It is a RPI3B. I am just trying to find the reason it has has steadily gotten worse over the last few months of upgrades. Netflix and now amazon prime both seem unusable due to screen lockup’s.
It does not seem to be the WiFi as hard wire did the same.
I swapped sd cards and did a complete reinstall. that did not help.
Being I am not computer person. I probably just need to wait and see. Thanks for the response and all the hard work.