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v18 LibreELEC Testbuilds for RaspberryPi (Kodi 18.0)
New LibreELEC.tv Leia build #0904: RPi / RPi2
(Supercedes previous build)

SHA256 Checksum: 26dec4f85a3b102f5ecf723a688b8ee63046f00d78e75e37839c61ec3f7ace99 (RPi)
SHA256 Checksum: 8f8cc66bb3c097fa4e9a3a836c03bc60371ccc6929cc042bf48a5731a52891ba (RPi2)

# uname -a
Linux rpi512 4.18.5 #1 Tue Sep 4 21:05:14 BST 2018 armv6l GNU/Linux

# vcgencmd version
Aug 29 2018 14:56:05
Copyright © 2012 Broadcom
version 044b7cbb605c2e1b3a2fc6aeab2c3917a955851b (clean) (release)

# lsb_release
LibreELEC (Milhouse): devel-20180904210311-#0904-g1725942 [Build #0904]

# Kodi version
(18.0-BETA2 Git:5d7e1db). Platform: Linux ARM 32-bit

Based on tip of LibreELEC.tv master (1725942, changelog) and tip of XBMC master (5d7e1db, changelog) with the following modifications: Build Highlights:
  1. [PVR] Simple timeshift OSD (optional)
  2. GLES logging cleanup and unused extension removal
Build Details:
  1. XBMC:
    • [PVR] Simple timeshift OSD (optional). (PR:14386, 1 commit, 5 files changed)
    • GLES logging cleanup and unused extension removal (PR:14384, 3 commits, 2 files changed)
  2. libnfs:
    • README: NFSv4 actually works now, update README to reflect this (d86d5d1)
  3. inputstream.adaptive:
    • Add license_flags / persistent_storage (a33fec8)
    • Version bump 2.2.26 (78b48a1)
  4. newclock5:
    • Commits no longer in build:
      • Revert "[bluray] Introduce FreeTitleInfo function." (27f67da5)
Texture Cache Maintenance Utility: Preload your texture cache for optimal UI performance. Remotely manage media libraries. Purge unused artwork to free up space. Find missing media. Configurable QA check to highlight metadata issues. Aid in diagnosis of library and cache related problems.
Hello @Milhouse ,

thanks for the great work so far, the GUI became damn fluently since using the new kernel and the usage is very smooth.

Nevertheless I noticed a nasty bug.

I've uploaded the todays' #0904-Build with the newest libwidevine (via popup message) and netflix and amazon are complaining about "Unable to load widevine shared library" since then.

But the .so-file is available and hasn't been deleted.

See my shell output:
Kinokiste:~ # ls -la .kodi/cdm/libwidevinecdm.so
lrwxrwxrwx    1 root     root            88 Sep  4 23:46 .kodi/cdm/libwidevinecdm.so -> /storage/.kodi/userdata/addon_data/script.module.inputstreamhelper/cdm/libwidevinecdm.so

Kinokiste:~ # ls -la /storage/.kodi/userdata/addon_data/script.module.inputstreamhelper/cdm/libwidevinecdm.so
-rwxr-xr-x    1 root     root       8012100 Sep  4 23:46 /storage/.kodi/userdata/addon_data/script.module.inputstreamhelper/cdm/libwidevinecdm.so

The debug-Log is here .
Hope you can find the reason for this Smile .
Weekly Linux 4.19-rc2 build #0904x: RPi / RPi2

Packages disabled/not included:

DVB Driver Addons (CrazyCat incompatible with 4.19-rc)
Known issues:

RTL8188EU, RTL8192CU/DU/EU, RTL8812AU: driver changes untested
Texture Cache Maintenance Utility: Preload your texture cache for optimal UI performance. Remotely manage media libraries. Purge unused artwork to free up space. Find missing media. Configurable QA check to highlight metadata issues. Aid in diagnosis of library and cache related problems.
(2018-09-05, 00:38)Germeleon Wrote: The debug-Log is here .
Hope you can find the reason for this Smile .

This is an inputstream.adaptive problem - you should report it on the addon github page.
Texture Cache Maintenance Utility: Preload your texture cache for optimal UI performance. Remotely manage media libraries. Purge unused artwork to free up space. Find missing media. Configurable QA check to highlight metadata issues. Aid in diagnosis of library and cache related problems.
Thanks for all of your hard work Milhouse.

I am receiving an error when trying to boot in to libreelec with the beta version #3. I originally received the same failure to boot in version #1 but was hoping an update might fix my issue. (I was able to boot without issue the first 1-2 times) I am posting both logs. If there is something else I need to do. Please let me know and thank you. I have only added the netflix and amazon addons and widevine.

http://ix.io/1m1a - Kodi log

http://ix.io/1m1b - System log
(2018-09-05, 13:27)ronldrygn Wrote: Thanks for all of your hard work Milhouse.

I am receiving an error when trying to boot in to libreelec with the beta version #3. I originally received the same failure to boot in version #1 but was hoping an update might fix my issue. (I was able to boot without issue the first 1-2 times) I am posting both logs. If there is something else I need to do. Please let me know and thank you. I have only added the netflix and amazon addons and widevine.

http://ix.io/1m1a - Kodi log

http://ix.io/1m1b - System log

Beta 3, Beta 1 doesn't mean anything to me. It would be better if you use the correct build codes in your posts, ie. #0901, #0903 etc. so that we know what you are referring to (the "09" btw is for September as the build code is in #mmdd format, and does not mean LE9 Beta in case that is what you thought).

What is this error you are referring to?

It looks like the device is booting the OS correctly, but then freezing in Kodi for some reason (not enough information in the log - is there a crash log?)

Can you provide the output from journalctl -a | pastebinit?
Texture Cache Maintenance Utility: Preload your texture cache for optimal UI performance. Remotely manage media libraries. Purge unused artwork to free up space. Find missing media. Configurable QA check to highlight metadata issues. Aid in diagnosis of library and cache related problems.
New LibreELEC.tv Leia build #0905: RPi / RPi2
(Supercedes previous build)

SHA256 Checksum: 076e136dbb7788adda095476ad9cfcd6da16ed0f5bdf3f18e72bbbe9569c3b94 (RPi)
SHA256 Checksum: d9711fa05f467db604208c0c6f6ccac3f3c8ae9ad3a15eb681b60a4cd1f75760 (RPi2)

# uname -a
Linux rpi512 4.18.6 #1 Wed Sep 5 21:18:32 BST 2018 armv6l GNU/Linux

# vcgencmd version
Aug 29 2018 14:56:05
Copyright © 2012 Broadcom
version 044b7cbb605c2e1b3a2fc6aeab2c3917a955851b (clean) (release)

# lsb_release
LibreELEC (Milhouse): devel-20180905210706-#0905-ga3c73c3 [Build #0905]

# Kodi version
(18.0-BETA2 Git:b69ac07). Platform: Linux ARM 32-bit

Based on tip of LibreELEC.tv master (a3c73c3, changelog) and tip of XBMC master (b69ac07, changelog) with the following modifications: Build Highlights:
  1. New 4.18.6 kernel
  2. HID: core: fix grouping by application
  3. [PVR][Estuary] Add support for ACTION_(PREV|NEXT)_ITEM for timeshift buffer navigation
  4. [Estuary] studio icon fixes
Build Details:
  1. LibreELEC.tv:
    • Inadyn: Update to 2.4 (PR:2911, 1 commit, 3 files changed)
    • dotnet-runtime: update to 2.1.3 (PR:2952, 2 commits, 3 files changed)
    • librespot: update to a4e0f58 (PR:2953, 2 commits, 17 files changed)
  2. XBMC:
    • [PVR][Estuary] Add support for ACTION_(PREV|NEXT)_ITEM for timeshift buffer navigation (PR:14387, 5 commits, 17 files changed)
    • [Estuary] studio icon fixes (PR:14379, 1 commit, 1 file changed)
    • [windowing/osx] - fix double release of nsstring when no displayname can be determined (PR:14388, 1 commit, 1 file changed)
  3. pvr.dvbviewer:
    • AutoTimers: Populate the series-field with the timers name (f1e966e)
    • Add stream read chunk size as addon setting (15ef0a8)
    • Bump version to 3.6.7 (e571cf8)
  4. Additional commits/pull requests/changes not yet merged upstream:
    • Updated: [env] PR:2908 (perma): linux (Generic): update to linux-4.18.6
    • Updated: [env] PR:2913 (perma): linux (RPi): update to linux-4.18.6
    • Updated: [env] PR:2916 (perma): ffmpegx and tvh
    • Added: [pkg] patch: HID: core: fix grouping by application (linux)
Texture Cache Maintenance Utility: Preload your texture cache for optimal UI performance. Remotely manage media libraries. Purge unused artwork to free up space. Find missing media. Configurable QA check to highlight metadata issues. Aid in diagnosis of library and cache related problems.
(2018-09-05, 01:18)Milhouse Wrote:
(2018-09-05, 00:38)Germeleon Wrote: The debug-Log is here .
Hope you can find the reason for this Smile .

This is an inputstream.adaptive problem - you should report it on the addon github page.

Seems, that this is a working temp fix.
NVIDIA Shield, H270M-Plus (i3-7100),NUC7i3BNH,WeTekHub,Pi2,Win10Server.
I upgraded from  around 0808 (don't know exactly) to 0309 or newer and I got sometimes crackling sound in videos, LiveTV and recordings. In the log there are many lines with
22:19:20.716 T:1908253552  NOTICE: CAESinkPi:AddPackets Underrun (delay:0.00 frames:1192)
22:19:25.108 T:1916646256 WARNING: ActiveAE - large audio sync error: -89433.302385
22:19:28.239 T:1908253552  NOTICE: CAESinkPi:AddPackets Underrun (delay:0.00 frames:1197)
22:19:29.130 T:1908253552  NOTICE: CAESinkPi:AddPackets Underrun (delay:0.00 frames:1198)
22:19:36.576 T:1908253552  NOTICE: CAESinkPi:AddPackets Underrun (delay:0.00 frames:1200)
22:19:37.401 T:1908253552  NOTICE: CAESinkPi:AddPackets Underrun (delay:0.00 frames:1193)
22:19:40.715 T:1908253552  NOTICE: CAESinkPi:AddPackets Underrun (delay:0.00 frames:1194)
22:19:52.413 T:1908253552  NOTICE: CAESinkPi:AddPackets Underrun (delay:0.00 frames:1200)
22:21:10.156 T:1908253552  NOTICE: Previous line repeats 17 times
I'm back on 0808 and will do more tests. Has anyone the same problem or a clue, what is causing this underun?
Philips TV with Kodi 20.2 with IPTV --- Orbsmart 500 Android 21 alpha/beta as Online-radio/TV in the kitchen
(2018-09-06, 07:42)Solo0815 Wrote: I'm back on 0808 and will do more tests. Has anyone the same problem or a clue, what is causing this underun?

Can you compare #0814 with #0815 and confirm if either build has crackling? If they both do, then the issue is introduced somewhere between #0809 and #0814. If neither has the issue, then the crackling is introduced between #0816 and #0903... Knowing which is the first build with the issue will help a lot.
Texture Cache Maintenance Utility: Preload your texture cache for optimal UI performance. Remotely manage media libraries. Purge unused artwork to free up space. Find missing media. Configurable QA check to highlight metadata issues. Aid in diagnosis of library and cache related problems.
Hi, new linux kernel 4.18 has steam controller support inbuilt in usbhid. So I tried to disable libreelec steam controller addon (wrapper for ynsta's driver for sc), restarted kodi, but kodi libreelec doesnt recognize my steam controller. I can see it as a nameless device in lsusb, but peripheral drivers configuration doesn't response to buttomclicks. Is there a simple answer to why it is not working in general or do you need logs?
My apologies Milhouse.

I am very new to this, as you can surely tell. I went from #901 to #903 I was able to boot in to #901 at least twice before it started to fail to boot in to libreelec. I will see the splash animation and then it force restarts before it ever opens. After 3 failures I boot in to a safe mode for libreelec. And that's where I am at now.

http://ix.io/1m5w - The log you requested.

Thanks again.
(2018-09-06, 09:45)Milhouse Wrote:
(2018-09-06, 07:42)Solo0815 Wrote: I'm back on 0808 and will do more tests. Has anyone the same problem or a clue, what is causing this underun?

Can you compare #0814 with #0815 and confirm if either build has crackling? If they both do, then the issue is introduced somewhere between #0809 and #0814. If neither has the issue, then the crackling is introduced between #0816 and #0903... Knowing which is the first build with the issue will help a lot. 
I'll try to find the build where the issue started and report here. I haven't found a pattern for the crackling sound atm. It occurs from time to time. A restart helps ...
Philips TV with Kodi 20.2 with IPTV --- Orbsmart 500 Android 21 alpha/beta as Online-radio/TV in the kitchen
(2018-09-05, 01:07)Milhouse Wrote: Weekly Linux 4.19-rc2 build #0904x: RPi / RPi2

Packages disabled/not included:

DVB Driver Addons (CrazyCat incompatible with 4.19-rc)
Known issues:

RTL8188EU, RTL8192CU/DU/EU, RTL8812AU: driver changes untested
I made short tests with mi Pi3 (Live-TV, Blu-Ray playback) this evening. There is stuttering with DTS-HD audio while Blu-Ray playback. Same behaviour with passtrough activ or not.
The I switch to the normal build with kernel 4.18 and the same movie works fine but this time audio passtrough does not work anymore...
New LibreELEC.tv Leia build #0906: RPi / RPi2
(Supercedes previous build)

SHA256 Checksum: 1ffabdc794ba684b0cd38de244649aa19967b255a9c5acf666cf3216b1e5ac1c (RPi)
SHA256 Checksum: fc0cd4c0733d9b9d0be56841a55363e13627c52dc4125e338fd8c9b6b07169cb (RPi2)

# uname -a
Linux rpi512 4.18.6 #1 Thu Sep 6 21:52:11 BST 2018 armv6l GNU/Linux

# vcgencmd version
Aug 29 2018 14:56:05
Copyright © 2012 Broadcom
version 044b7cbb605c2e1b3a2fc6aeab2c3917a955851b (clean) (release)

# lsb_release
LibreELEC (Milhouse): devel-20180906215101-#0906-ga3c73c3 [Build #0906]

# Kodi version
(18.0-BETA2 Git:59cae3b). Platform: Linux ARM 32-bit

Based on tip of LibreELEC.tv master (a3c73c3, changelog) and tip of XBMC master (59cae3b, changelog) with the following modifications: Build Highlights:
  1. [PVR] trac#18022: Add support for ACTION_SHOW_INFO to CGUIDialogPVRChannelGuide
  2. pvr.dvbviewer and pvr.mediaportal.tvserver fixes
Build Details:
  1. XBMC:
    • [PVR] trac#18022: Add support for ACTION_SHOW_INFO to CGUIDialogPVRChannelGuide (PR:14391, 1 commit, 1 file changed)
  2. pvr.dvbviewer:
  3. pvr.mediaportal.tvserver:
    • Fix Timeshifting for v18 (PR:93, 2 commits, 5 files changed)
  4. kernel 4.18.y:
    • New commits in this build:
      • rpi-simple-soundcard: Use nicer driver name "RPi-simple" (5d67c4e3)
Texture Cache Maintenance Utility: Preload your texture cache for optimal UI performance. Remotely manage media libraries. Purge unused artwork to free up space. Find missing media. Configurable QA check to highlight metadata issues. Aid in diagnosis of library and cache related problems.
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LibreELEC Testbuilds for RaspberryPi (Kodi 18.0)24