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v18 LibreELEC Testbuilds for RaspberryPi (Kodi 18.0)
Weekly Linux 4.20-rc3 build #1119x: RPi / RPi2

Known issues:

iptables temporarily replaced with nftables due to build issues
Texture Cache Maintenance Utility: Preload your texture cache for optimal UI performance. Remotely manage media libraries. Purge unused artwork to free up space. Find missing media. Configurable QA check to highlight metadata issues. Aid in diagnosis of library and cache related problems.
alsa lib 1.1.7 is out now
(2018-11-20, 15:04)redfred Wrote: alsa lib 1.1.7 is out now

Thanks, will push a PR.
Texture Cache Maintenance Utility: Preload your texture cache for optimal UI performance. Remotely manage media libraries. Purge unused artwork to free up space. Find missing media. Configurable QA check to highlight metadata issues. Aid in diagnosis of library and cache related problems.
I have a question !
Since 10 days the " volum button " is different .
before when i push it, + or - the volum on my samsung home mouve, kodi and samsung was unified.
now when i try to mouve volum, i just change the kodi volum.
thanks a lot
( sorry for my very bad english )
(2018-11-21, 00:35)poiuytrezaaa Wrote: Since 10 days the " volum button " is different .

This means nothing to me as I don't know anything about your update history.

What was your last working build? Can you identify the first build after that which no longer works? If you can tell me the exact build when the problem starts then there's a very good chance of identifying the reason for the change, and if necessary fixing it (assuming it's not by design).

What remote are you using, LIRC? CEC? GPIO? If it's CEC what make/model of TV (and/or AVR) are you using?

Using the latest build (ie. #1120) post a link to a full debug log (wiki) which shows you pressing the volume +/- buttons, and the same again when using the last working build.
Texture Cache Maintenance Utility: Preload your texture cache for optimal UI performance. Remotely manage media libraries. Purge unused artwork to free up space. Find missing media. Configurable QA check to highlight metadata issues. Aid in diagnosis of library and cache related problems.
New LibreELEC.tv Leia build #1120: RPi / RPi2
(Supercedes previous build)

SHA256 Checksum: 44f3ab9c3dbaf2e83a3a998ca6a14bab99bc69aad9d54539ad2a70da74b1b189 (RPi)
SHA256 Checksum: e3531db3118be69935d1f5cc3480e95bf340fd3580424c560cdf31bfc799f089 (RPi2)

# uname -a
Linux rpi512 4.19.2 #1 Tue Nov 20 21:03:40 GMT 2018 armv6l GNU/Linux

# vcgencmd version
Nov 4 2018 16:35:17
Copyright © 2012 Broadcom
version ed5baf9520a3c4ca82ba38594b898f0c0446da66 (clean) (release)

# lsb_release
LibreELEC (Milhouse): devel-20181120210239-#1120-g39219f8 [Build #1120]

# Kodi version
(18.0-RC1 Git:bacbbc3). Platform: Linux ARM 32-bit

Based on tip of LibreELEC.tv master (39219f8, changelog) and tip of XBMC master (bacbbc3, changelog) with the following modifications: Build Highlights:
  1. alsa: update lib/utils/plugins to 1.1.7
  2. OpenGL(ES) debugging improvements
Build Details:
  1. LibreELEC.tv:
    • busybox: enable dmesg and less in init (PR:3113, 1 commit, 1 file changed)
  2. XBMC:
    • OpenGL(ES) debugging improvements (PR:14772, 6 commits, 8 files changed)
  3. inputstream.adaptive:
    • [VP9] copy VpcC atom data into codec extra data (e016f6b)
    • Version bump 2.3.11 (eb5224f)
  4. pvr.mythtv:
    • set state 'CONNECTING' when init the launcher (4b8f89a)
    • sync upstream cppmyth (2.12.0) (85630fb)
    • bump version 5.9.2 (bb02eaf)
  5. pvr.teleboy:
    • Extract APi key from html (420a28d)
  6. Additional commits/pull requests/changes not yet merged upstream:
    • Updated: [env] PR:3084 (perma): linux (RPi/Generic): update to linux-4.19.2
    • Added: [env] PR:3114 (perma): alsa: update lib/utils/plugins to 1.1.7
Texture Cache Maintenance Utility: Preload your texture cache for optimal UI performance. Remotely manage media libraries. Purge unused artwork to free up space. Find missing media. Configurable QA check to highlight metadata issues. Aid in diagnosis of library and cache related problems.
New LibreELEC.tv Leia build #1121: RPi / RPi2
(Supercedes previous build)

SHA256 Checksum: 23ba2cb9ae21cb386cbfb745c71a44cea10316100315c39ddad2f6243a1d003f (RPi)
SHA256 Checksum: 3dc157213d1dcb653f1f6920ef9be825e3bd8755c01893d0124641c6e7af2a78 (RPi2)

# uname -a
Linux rpi512 4.19.3 #1 Wed Nov 21 22:15:04 GMT 2018 armv6l GNU/Linux

# vcgencmd version
Nov 4 2018 16:35:17
Copyright © 2012 Broadcom
version ed5baf9520a3c4ca82ba38594b898f0c0446da66 (clean) (release)

# lsb_release
LibreELEC (Milhouse): devel-20181121221258-#1121-g4ad81f9 [Build #1121]

# Kodi version
(18.0-RC2 Git:5478a4c). Platform: Linux ARM 32-bit

Based on tip of LibreELEC.tv master (4ad81f9, changelog) and tip of XBMC master (5478a4c, changelog) with the following modifications: Build Highlights:
  1. New 4.19.3 kernel
  2. bump to v18.0 RC2
Build Details:
  1. LibreELEC.tv:
    • scripts/mkimage: show message when temp folder is full (PR:3115, 1 commit, 1 file changed)
  2. XBMC:
    • [Docs] Improve the documentation for boolean conditions and infolabels. (PR:14910, 1 commit, 5 files changed)
    • bump to v18.0 RC2 (PR:14787, 1 commit, 1 file changed)
  3. pvr.teleboy:
    • Fix check for plus and comfort member (50689bd)
  4. pvr.vuplus:
    • Unique channels and radio groups (PR:132, 12 commits, 37 files changed)
  5. pvr.zattoo:
  6. newclock5:
    • Commits no longer in build:
      • FIX: Only handle 3D bitmap subs in TAB (3cdfa302)
      • Revert "FIX: Only handle 3D bitmap subs in TAB" (86854b6d)
  7. Additional commits/pull requests/changes not yet merged upstream:
    • Updated: [env] PR:3084 (perma): linux (RPi/Generic): update to linux-4.19.3
    • Added: [env] PR:3109 (perma): buildsystem: printf conversion to function
    • Added: [env] PR:3117 (perma): kodi (RPi, Generic): update to 18.0rc1
Texture Cache Maintenance Utility: Preload your texture cache for optimal UI performance. Remotely manage media libraries. Purge unused artwork to free up space. Find missing media. Configurable QA check to highlight metadata issues. Aid in diagnosis of library and cache related problems.
[...] but OMX is likely to be dropped in Kodi 19 (along with RPi0/RPi1 support in general).

@Milhouse: So that means, Kodi 19 will be based on Debian ARMv7 armhf or maybe Debian ARMv8 arm64? Sounds great. Is there an alpha release window yet?
(2018-11-22, 10:34)Germeleon Wrote: @Milhouse: So that means, Kodi 19 will be based on Debian ARMv7 armhf or maybe Debian ARMv8 arm64? Sounds great. Is there an alpha release window yet?

LibreELEC for RPi2/3/3+ will still be ARMv7 based, yes, as it is today. We have no plans for ARMv8 support at this time, as there's no obvious compelling benefit.
Texture Cache Maintenance Utility: Preload your texture cache for optimal UI performance. Remotely manage media libraries. Purge unused artwork to free up space. Find missing media. Configurable QA check to highlight metadata issues. Aid in diagnosis of library and cache related problems.
Quote:LibreELEC for RPi2/3/3+ will still be ARMv7 based, yes, as it is today. We have no plans for ARMv8 support at this time, as there's no obvious compelling benefit.

What about future proofing? This would make the transission if nessasary much quicker and smoother
(2018-11-22, 12:16)tjost Wrote:
Quote:LibreELEC for RPi2/3/3+ will still be ARMv7 based, yes, as it is today. We have no plans for ARMv8 support at this time, as there's no obvious compelling benefit.

What about future proofing? This would make the transission if nessasary much quicker and smoother

"at this time" - once it becomes necessary or there's a compelling reason, and there is official ARMv8 support from the Raspberry Pi Foundation, we'll begin work on ARMv8.

At the moment the ARMv8 RPi support is still a work in progress and incomplete (ARMv7 is the recommended/supported arch), the ARMv8 performance benefit is not significant (from past testing, 10-15% or less compared with ARMv7), there's no ARMv8 64-bit Widevine support (no Netflix/Amazon support with ARMv8, unless we ship a 64-bit kernel with 32-bit userland, defeating the purpose of switching to ARMv8), and it would mean another build to support in addition to RPi2/ARMv7 for no significant gain.

ARMv8 support will happen, when it makes sense... Smile
Texture Cache Maintenance Utility: Preload your texture cache for optimal UI performance. Remotely manage media libraries. Purge unused artwork to free up space. Find missing media. Configurable QA check to highlight metadata issues. Aid in diagnosis of library and cache related problems.
In 1121 plugin enigma2 no start and no work.
(2018-11-22, 21:44)misiuzeb Wrote: In 1121
So are you saying (without saying) it last worked in #1120? Can you confirm this, or are we left to guess?

(2018-11-22, 21:44)misiuzeb Wrote: plugin enigma2
Do you mean pvr.vuplus?

(2018-11-22, 21:44)misiuzeb Wrote: no start and no work.
No debug log (wiki), no problem.
Texture Cache Maintenance Utility: Preload your texture cache for optimal UI performance. Remotely manage media libraries. Purge unused artwork to free up space. Find missing media. Configurable QA check to highlight metadata issues. Aid in diagnosis of library and cache related problems.
Yes pvr.vuplus. sorry i cant log this today. In 1120 works good.
(2018-11-22, 23:38)misiuzeb Wrote: Yes pvr.vuplus. sorry i cant log this today. In 1120 works good.
Presumably it's this: https://github.com/kodi-pvr/pvr.vuplus/issues/134

A pvr.vuplus fix is in the works.
Texture Cache Maintenance Utility: Preload your texture cache for optimal UI performance. Remotely manage media libraries. Purge unused artwork to free up space. Find missing media. Configurable QA check to highlight metadata issues. Aid in diagnosis of library and cache related problems.
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