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Assistance Changing Home Screen icons
Ronald Pagan Wrote:Is there any way to keep the functionality of home style 1 when you can scroll through sub-menus of each main menu in home style 2?

Short answer: "No."

Long answer: "No, sorry."

so i guess you can't make a right click menu or a drop down bar or something to access those options.

i changed my icons and they look very cool, thanks for this thread
I downloaded the iconset from but these are .ico files and when place in /skin/alaska/media/homeicons they look weird (small and on a black background) how do i change these ico files to display correctly on the home screen ? thnx !
Arctic MC001 + Openelec
Ronald Pagan Wrote:Is there any way to keep the functionality of home style 1 when you can scroll through sub-menus of each main menu in home style 2?
You could sort-of by pointing the Home1 background folders to the icons.


You could probably go further by editing the glass overlay for the Home1 icons.
Or you could just delete/rename the mainmenu folder so they don't get shown.

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Assistance Changing Home Screen icons0