Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
wrong movie information
I'm using the dharma beta release of XBMC.

I ususally put all my movies on an external disk drive in a designated folder ("movies") with no sub folder present (each movie is presented as one file).

However, when trying to grab movie information using the context menu, the imdb scrapper is trying to look by thename of the parent folder "movies" instead of the filename.

please help ...

There is a setting in XBMC that states use folder name for lookups.

Step 1: Take XBMC out of Library Mode. I only know how to do this in the Confluence skin as I do not utilize any others. In Confluence, go into your Movies in library mode, move your mouse to the left and uncheck Library Mode. You will now be in video mode.

Step 2: Navigate to your movies folder in Video Mode.

Step 3: Right click (or command click if you only have 1 mouse button) on your movies folder and choose Set Content.

Step 4: Uncheck use Folder Names for lookup.

This is going off of memory so it may be a click or two off however it should get you into the correct direction.

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