XBMC/WHS 11 set up?

I've been reading this forum for a couple months now but am still quite helpless at all this so would appreciate any help.

I'm looking to build/purchase a Windows Home Server 2011 rig that would store all my media content. The question I have is whether or not I can run XBMC on the WHS server as well (removing the necessity for another standalone HTPC). Also, can I run things like uTorrent / SABnzbd+ / Sickbeard / Couch Potato on the server?

Is this feasible, and if so, advisable? If not, what is the best option, in your opinion?

Also - I've never used WHS - but can you set it up to display on your TV, and do things like browse Internet Explorer and stream sports (from sites like adthe.net, RIP)

Thanks a bunch
Anyone? Bueller? Anything would be helpful
take a look here.

can't tell you anything concerning SABnzbd+ / Sickbeard / Couch Potato (never tried em), but utorrent and the rest of you questions can be answered with YES.

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