XBMC suddenly starts crashing!
The issue is somewhat temprimental, although I've found its happening 90% of the times I load XBMC.

I have found it happens when I attempt to go into the settings menu, and now when I try to Update Library...

So now, when I attempt to update the library, it crashes. Here is a pastebin log:


Anyone got an idea whats going on? I've updated to 10.1 (although it was happening with 10.0, i've also tried getting the latest windows updates and drivers for my Revo 3700 - nothing has helped!?

I've tried completely uninstalling (including the profiles) and then installing fresh - nothing. On one attempt to go into settings earlier, most of the screen went black - with just a small rectangle still visable. I could see through this rectangle that the menu options had become NNNNNN's ... not proper text?!

BTW my media resides on a USB hard drive. It's odd, I can play the files fine outside of XBMC, and this morning I was able to use XBMC to play numerous videos fine - it just seems to crash when doing things in the interface?


Hmm, the error is:

ERROR: exception in CApplication::Render()

However I suspect this is a red herring and the problem is actually a corrupt rar. It looks as if something is getting screwed trying to process E:\Media\TV\American Dad!\Season 06\_FAILED_American Dad S06E12 720p HDTV X264 DIMENSION\united.states.father.612.720p-dimension.rar. Try moving or deleting this file.


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XBMC suddenly starts crashing!0