Futurama Scraping Naming
I'm new here, but am looking for some help, I have got Everything in xbmc to work, however what do i call each Futurama episode for it get 'scraped' as i would like an episode description, but it isnt getting scraped and i dont want to go through and manually create 108 or so NFO files, so what should i call the episodes, can you give me a few examples, and i will take it from there.Smile
Here's my episode file names for season 1:

Futurama 1x01 - The Space Pilot 3000.avi
Futurama 1x02 - The Series Has Landed.avi
Futurama 1x03 - I, Roommate.avi
Futurama 1x04 - Love's Labors Lost In Space.avi
Futurama 1x05 - Fear Of A Bot Planet.avi
Futurama 1x06 - A Fishful Of Dollars.avi
Futurama 1x07 - My three suns.avi
Futurama 1x08 - A Big Piece Of Garbage.avi
Futurama 1x09 - Hell Is Other Robots.avi

The name at the end doesn't matter, nor does the part that says "Futurama". The files can be named like this as well:


You can have them in season folders or have them in all one folder, it makes no difference to XBMC. The show folder itself should be called just "Futurama"
Futurama is a tricky show. When aired, season 1 had 9 episodes. But when released to dvd, there were 13 (the others are episodes aired as part of season 2)... and from this moment on, everything goes downhill, naming-wise. If you use dvdrips, you should mark 'use dvd order' in thetvdvb scraper settings, otherwise several episodes will be named wrong, or others will not be present in library.
See here: aired order or dvd order.
S**it. I renamed all my DVD Episode-based files from DVD convention to TheTVDB mode, before I even realized that there were a DVD-mode for scraping. :|
ive got episode 1-9 working, but when i did exactly the same for the rest of season 1 it dosnt scrape i carry on line this and i have changed it to do dvd order.
Futurama 1x10 - A Flight To Remember
Futurama 1x11 - Mars University
Futurama 1x12 - When Aliens Attack
Futurama 1x13 - Fry & The Slurm Factory

Also, is there any way that can be just the file names, and in xbmc, it comes up as just
A flight To Remember
Mars University

That would be very good, also thanks for the help so far

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