Enter a unique code to complete a command
One of the problems I frequently have is when I go to watch my XBMC (Windows), I'll power out of standby mode and sometimes an issue with the HDMI handshake between my video card and my receiver will cause an incorrectly displayed video or an "Incompatible Video" message on my TV. Because my TV is the only monitor connected to my XBMC, the only way I can fix this is my going to the other room and holding the power button down to reboot the PC.

It would be an awesome feature to be able to create a multiple button "code" (perhaps via keymapping) to do something such as restart the PC. So, if I press "1,2,3,4" on my remote (or whatever code I select), it'll reboot my PC...

A unique code could also be setup for any command, such as opening a certain folder with certain "private" content.:o

Thanks for listening...
If on windows use autohotkey and it can do just that.
Plus you can have a hotkey in your keymap to reboot
Thank you, I will look into that.

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