[Atv2] DeprecationWarning: the pysqlite2 module is deprecated
I'm getting error while trying to do a search. The log just shows icefilm addon, but it's general.

129187840 ERROR: /private/var/stash/Applications/XBMC.frappliance/XBMCData/XBMCHome/addons/script.module.pysqlite/lib/pysqlite2/__init__.py:34: UserWarning: DeprecationWarning: the pysqlite2 module is deprecated; please change your script to use sqlite3.
warnings.warn("DeprecationWarning: the pysqlite2 module is deprecated; please change your script to use sqlite3.")

Anyone have a clue?
I've seen that message in my logs - no error, they are just warnings. If you're having an issue, I'd post the specifics and the entire log for the devs/smart people.
Nein cross posting.
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON `xbmc_%`.* TO 'xbmc'@'%';
IF you have a mysql problem, find one of the 4 dozen threads already open.
darkscout Wrote:Nein cross posting.

Instead of not bringing anything new/interesting to the discussion, would you be so kind of showing me at least on the the four dozens of post you mention about this problem¿?.

So before you acuse w/o proof, I certainly did a post crossing and couldnt find anything related to this.

Now, could you show me at least one of those many post?
IF you have a mysql problem, find one of the 4 dozen threads already open.

It is in his signature. The warning is coming from one of your plugins that it not totally up-to-date with the build of xbmc you are running. It is a warning

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[Atv2] DeprecationWarning: the pysqlite2 module is deprecated0