Use XBMC as a remote for XBMC
As you can see in the titel its about remote, i got the idea, if it would be possible to add the feature, to control xbmc via a nother xbmc with the same database.

You can scroll to all your movie content and if you hit play, it yould aske if you would like it to play on this xbmc or on one connected via network, maybe also to enable the veature to mirror xbmc, so that every action you do on this xbmc is mirrored to the other. And the possibility to configure the settings of the other xbmc on this one.
The XBMC could comunicate via jason rpc so that you can turn off the xbmc and the film keeps playing on the other one, because it directly accesses the material from the database (maybee stored on a nas).

This would be for TV which is controlled over a PC, Laptop or even better an Ipad
See this tread, but a great idea.

Do you have something running already?

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Use XBMC as a remote for XBMC0