XBMC and Mac Mini server 2011 does not find any any videos
Got a Mac Mini Server with the latest OSX and playing a video one at a time by opening the file with XBMC works fine.

But when I try to add my directory for various movies and series nothing gets added.

I tried changing the name of the folder to ex. Transformers assuming that the file name was the problem and it still does not get added.

I have tried a few times to import videos via Settings, Videos, Import library. I select the proper directory and nothing happens.

What am I doing wrong? Am I missing some aditional program needed for xbmc to work?

Tried googling an answer, found nothing.

I just want to be able to go from the front screen to movies and select one with the nice pictures xbmc gives Sad

Any assistance would be very much apreciated.

Edit: Dont tell me http://wiki.xbmc.org/index.php?title=Add...ia_sources is what I needed to do? Facepalm
Umm... yes?

Anyway are you all sorted now or is it still not working?

Flirc now has a forum: forum.flirc.tv

I added season 2 of Soldiers of Anarchy, all files are 720p but they are in the same folder named Soldiers of Anarchy S02.

They are not getting added, so I am assuming I have to manually add them all into a folder or is there a delay or something?

Yes I am a newb when it comes to xbmc, but if I dont ask and I cant find, I will never know Sad
First step when things aren't scanning is to check the source it's trying to scan from.
TV shows are scanned from thetvdb.com (by default). A quick search there showed that it doesn't have it in it's database:

You know have three options:
1) Check it is there but named as something different.
2) Add it to thetvdb.com yourself if it is a tv show accepted by them (http://forums.thetvdb.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=4026) - this is the recommended option
3) Make nfos (http://wiki.xbmc.org/index.php?title=Imp..._nfo_Files)

Flirc now has a forum: forum.flirc.tv
I don't use TV shows but trust me, when you get it all going, you'll love it. I have recently bought a Mac Mini and installed RC1 - it's wonderful!
Remember that XBMC does not care about season folders, so the file will still need the season info in the name. For example, Name of Show s02e01.mkv, or Name of Show 2x04.mkv.
Sorry, I ment Sons of Anarchy not Soldiers but it does not appear to be in thetvdb anyways.

@ned Scott - It does, thank you Smile

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XBMC and Mac Mini server 2011 does not find any any videos0