[XBMCbuntu] XBMC display resolution issue (overscan)
First of all, congrats with new release of XBMC! I've installed XBMCbuntu and everything went pretty smooth. However, there is one major issue: because of some display/resolution setting/problem, the edges of XBMC 'bleed' off the screen and are not visible. My TV is set to 1920x1080 and so is XBMC/Linux, but still the edges fall off the screen. (this also holds for the linux desktop, which is even more annoying since I cannot see the menubar since it's off-screen).

Linux itself has very few display settings. Although I partially fixed it in XBMC with the zoom function (-4 or something), the edges of the linux desktop still fall off the screen. The problem wasn't there on Dharma.

Hope you can help. Thanks in advance!

EDIT: I also found this topic, but that doens't provide a solution either.
EDIT: Apparently I'm also blind, since there is a catalyst control center in the menu (which I accessed by creating a new folder on the desktop and then clicking on it to launch the file browser) in which the overscan settings can be set
Have you made sure your tv is set to full pixel as it can be overscanning by default. I had the same issue yesterday.
I had this issue. You need to go into system setting/screen calibration and adjust the screen. Also for me I had to do this 3 times, one for the main GUI, 1 for TV shows and 1 for movies. So do it normally for the GUI e.g no video playong in background then play a movie press "s" go to setting and do it again will movie is in background and repeat for TV show.

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[XBMCbuntu] XBMC display resolution issue (overscan)0