Choppy Fast Forwarding
Ive been having a bit of a problem with my ATV2. Well its not a problem, more of an annoyance.

My whole network is full gigabit wired (I know the ATV2 is only 100mbit though). So its not a network issue.

When I want to fast forward a TV Show or movie it will go fine for a second then it will start to freeze and jump freeze and jump. The actual time is moving at the correct speed, i.e its moving 2x the speed, its just the picture doesnt keep up. Well it does but freezes then jumps.

It only seems to be in HD files. I only using 720p. No 1080p files.

Im guessing its maybe the ATV2 isnt caching enough of the file so its not keeping up? Any suggestions?

probably uses too much processing power. most people just use jump forward/jumpbackyard.

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