XBMC 11 Buntu installation
Hello Community,

I have three problems. After the boot from the install cd, the language choice does appears. I choose "German" as my language and klick on "Install Ubuntu".

My problem is, the installation window is so big, that I can't see the "Next" button on the right bottom:


something doesn't work :-(

I have the GeForce 8400GS graphics card. The same card has an co-worker. He had no problems during the installation. His installation window and the buttons in the upper right are smaller.

I can only guess what is on the button at the bottom right, I don't see it.

After the long install, XBMC is booting from my usb flash drive. The homescreen pops up and i can browse my local harddisk drives. When I play a movie I don't heard anything. My HTPC is connected over HDMI with my LED TV. I have already tried to play with the audio settings, but nothing work.

Before I build in the graphics card, I have the same "error" with my onboad graphic via VGA.

The third problem is, after the first boot from XBMC i can browse my local drives and i can build my library. If I reboot the XBMC the local drives are not found. How can i mount my local drives permanently?

thanks a lot!

OT: Sorry guys, my english is terrible...
Take a look at this:


It´s a installation and configuration guide written in german from myself Wink. There you will find a guide for mounting hardrives with "pysdm". It´s a tool that mounts HDD´s very easily and they mount at boot.

- The button right at bottom is named "weiter".

For sound problems we need a few more info

Open a terminal and post the output from

aplay -l

l = small "L"


aplay -L

Maybe you have to change some settings in your BIOS too or you have to unmute "alsa". But we will see...

If "pulse audio" is installed, this can be the problem too. Do you have menu-sounds?

apt-get purge pulseaudio

This line removes pulseaudio from your system if it is installed. If it is not installed, nothing will happen or be changed. This solved the problem for me.

Greetings from Germany


Hast Du nicht gesehen, dass ich auch aus good old Germany komme? :-)

Danke für den Link, ich werde mir das die Tage mal anschauen, sieht auf den ersten Blick auf jeden Fall sehr ansprechend aus, was Du dort zusammengetragen hast! Melde mich dann erneut, wenn ich die Zeit gefunden habe, mich dem Projekt noch Mal anzunehmen!

Danke im Voraus
Doch, habe ich. Aber es ist, so wie ich es bisher festgestellt habe, hier üblich weiterhin in englisch zu schreiben Wink

Zumindest mache ich es so

Alles andere können wir dann auch in deutsch via PN klären. Wink

Gern geschehen

English please ....
Today I have sucesfully installed XBMC Buntu on my USB Flash Drive. XBMC boots from it and I can build librarys and so on.

I have added the outputs from "aplay -l" and "aplay -L" to this post. menu-sounds are muted, too.

aplay -l

xbmc@xbmc:~$ aplay -l
**** List of PLAYBACK Hardware Devices ****
card 0: Intel [HDA Intel], device 0: STAC92xx Analog [STAC92xx Analog]
  Subdevices: 1/1
  Subdevice #0: subdevice #0
card 0: Intel [HDA Intel], device 1: STAC92xx Digital [STAC92xx Digital]
  Subdevices: 1/1
  Subdevice #0: subdevice #0
card 1: NVidia [HDA NVidia], device 3: HDMI 0 [HDMI 0]
  Subdevices: 1/1
  Subdevice #0: subdevice #0

aplay -L

xbmc@xbmc:~$ aplay -L
    Discard all samples (playback) or generate zero samples (capture)
    HDA Intel, STAC92xx Analog
    Default Audio Device
    HDA Intel, STAC92xx Analog
    Front speakers
    HDA Intel, STAC92xx Analog
    4.0 Surround output to Front and Rear speakers
    HDA Intel, STAC92xx Analog
    4.1 Surround output to Front, Rear and Subwoofer speakers
    HDA Intel, STAC92xx Analog
    5.0 Surround output to Front, Center and Rear speakers
    HDA Intel, STAC92xx Analog
    5.1 Surround output to Front, Center, Rear and Subwoofer speakers
    HDA Intel, STAC92xx Analog
    7.1 Surround output to Front, Center, Side, Rear and Woofer speakers
    HDA Intel, STAC92xx Digital
    IEC958 (S/PDIF) Digital Audio Output
    HDA Intel, STAC92xx Analog
    Direct sample mixing device
    HDA Intel, STAC92xx Digital
    Direct sample mixing device
    HDA Intel, STAC92xx Analog
    Direct sample snooping device
    HDA Intel, STAC92xx Digital
    Direct sample snooping device
    HDA Intel, STAC92xx Analog
    Direct hardware device without any conversions
    HDA Intel, STAC92xx Digital
    Direct hardware device without any conversions
    HDA Intel, STAC92xx Analog
    Hardware device with all software conversions
    HDA Intel, STAC92xx Digital
    Hardware device with all software conversions
    HDA NVidia, HDMI 0
    HDMI Audio Output
    HDA NVidia, HDMI 0
    Direct sample mixing device
    HDA NVidia, HDMI 0
    Direct sample snooping device
    HDA NVidia, HDMI 0
    Direct hardware device without any conversions
    HDA NVidia, HDMI 0
    Hardware device with all software conversions

And here is the output from "apt-get purge pulseaudio"

xbmc@xbmc:~$ sudo apt-get purge pulseaudio
[sudo] password for xbmc:
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information... Done
Package pulseaudio is not installed, so not removed
0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 93 not upgraded.
Ich habe auch was gefunden, wie man einen Testsound wiedergeben kann.

xbmc@xbmc:/usr/share/sounds/alsa$ aplay -D plughw:NVidia,3 Front_Center.wav
Playing WAVE 'Front_Center.wav' : Signed 16 bit Little Endian, Rate 48000 Hz, Mono

Habe hier mal alle Geräte (Intel,0; Intel,1; NVidia,3) ausprobiert, aber nirgends kam was aus den Boxen :-(
Not going to tell you again... This is ENGLISH only forum...
Sorry, thats the habit -.- did you also tips for me or can you only admonish me?

in english:

I had found, that I can manually play an testsound via commandline:

xbmc@xbmc:/usr/share/sounds/alsa$ aplay -D plughw:NVidia,3 Front_Center.wav
Playing WAVE 'Front_Center.wav' : Signed 16 bit Little Endian, Rate 48000 Hz, Mono

I've tried all listed devices (Intel,0; Intel,1; NVidia,3) nothing works...
Here is abridgement from the xbmc logs:

18:58:07 T:2818022256  NOTICE: Creating audio device with codec id: 86019, channels: 2, sample rate: 48000, pass-through
18:58:07 T:2818022256   ERROR: Initialize - failed to open custom device hdmi:AES0=0x6,AES1=0x82,AES2=0x0,AES3=0x2 (error:No such file or directory), retry with default hdmi
18:58:07 T:2818022256   ERROR: Initialize - pcm_open_lconf, alsa error: -2 - No such file or directory
18:58:07 T:2818022256   ERROR: Creating a Null Audio Renderer, Check your audio settings as this should not happen

My output settings are:

audio output: HDMI
Speaker Configuration: 5.1

audio output device: Defaults (ALSA)
Passthrough output device: hdmi (ALSA)
I've got it!!

I have selected: "Custom" and typed: alsa:hdmi:CARD=NVidia

Now I have audio, when I play a movie! But menu-sounds still muted.

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