Gentleman, choose your hardware... Recommendation please!

I currently have an old PC with XMBC hooked up to my TV. It;s been working well and doing the job. but this PC ios getting old, and I think its time I put it to rest, getting something new. What hardware do you guys recommend as the best hardware for playing XMBC on my TV?

I saw this:

It needs to be silent, HD, and small. Smile

(2012-10-19, 08:26)TheFran42 Wrote: Hi,

I currently have an old PC with XMBC hooked up to my TV. It;s been working well and doing the job. but this PC ios getting old, and I think its time I put it to rest, getting something new. What hardware do you guys recommend as the best hardware for playing XMBC on my TV?

I saw this:

It needs to be silent, HD, and small. Smile


Do you wan't for it to run on windows?

Take a look at this thread....

Yes, windows! Will have a look... thanks!

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Gentleman, choose your hardware... Recommendation please!0