Solved Aeon MQ 4, recently added movies and tv not showing
I'm using Windows 7, 64 bit.

Usually, when you are on the TV or Movie menus, and you hit "Up" it will show you things recently added. For me, it just shows a blank square.

The recently added submenu does work however.

Any ideas?
Are you using the correct version of the ALLINONE script for your version of XBMC? There are two versions - one for Eden and one for Frodo. No matter which you install, it will always show as the Eden version for some reason, so it pays to double-check.
I'm going to be honest, I don't know what the allinone script is, which version of it I'm using. Or how to get the frodo version that I would need.
So read the first post of this thread very carefully!
(2012-11-01, 12:01)sidewalksuper Wrote: So read the first post of this thread very carefully!

I feel, really, really, stupid. I googled allinone, but I never thought to ctrl+f the main thread.

Thanks a lot to both of you.
Smile np
Having had the same problem I would like to propose the following change:

When pressing up and moving to the top bar it is possible to change the mode between Recently Added and 2 others (which I can't remember right not). The 2 other have a notice in their scrolling text that the AllInOne Addon is needed, recently added just shows recently added and nothing else. Could you add the addon info to the Recently Added as well if it is not installed?

Sorry if this was confusing, will try to improve explanation if needed Wink Thing is: I though you only needed the addon for the 2 other options (that I don't use)...

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Aeon MQ 4, recently added movies and tv not showing0