Not playing in 2nd monitor
I am running XBMC through a laptop with Windows 8. I have it connected from the laptop to my TV via HDMI cable. I set the TV as a second monitor so it was 1920x1080.
The problem I am having is when I start up XBMC it continually starts up on the laptop monitor and not the TV. When I create a shortcut over to the 2nd monitor and start it up that way still it opens up only on the laptop.

I have been trying to find a way to minimize the XBMC window and just movie the player over to the 2nd monitor however I do not see anyway to minimize XBMC...

Any suggestions on what I need to do or any settings I need to be made aware of??

Thanks in advance for the help
\ is fullscreen toggle. Right above the enter key. Toggle is off, drag it over and then fullscreen it back in the other monitor.

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