Solved Technical Question about Shutdown from XBMC

I have a quick question: How exactly does XBMC execute the shutdown - meaning: Which method is used by XBMC to shutdown the OS, in this case Windows?

I ask because I have a weird problem:
When I shutdown my Win8 machine from the normal system shutdown menu, I am unable to wake the system up using either WOL or Keyboard/USB-Input.
However - if I shutdown via XBMC everything is working fine. I can wake my system up, just as expected.
On Win7 this behaviour is not visible - I can shutdown from the system and still be able to wake via WOL or Keyboard/USB-Input.

I suspect this has something to do with the "fastboot" of Windows 8 - when XBMC shuts Win8 down, does it utilize the fastboot component?

Thanks in advance!
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See win32util.cpp for the code. It does the hybrid shutdown (whatever that means):

if (g_sysinfo.IsWindowsVersionAtLeast(CSysInfo::WindowsVersionWin8))
uExitFlags = 0x00400000; /* EWX_HYBRID_SHUTDOWN */
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Ah - thanks for the feedback. That actually explains it (Hybrid Shutdown puts the PC in S4 - but because I disabled it on my Win7/Win8 machine, it always does a full shutdown).

For future reference:
After disabling the fastboot component of Win8 completely (I have a SSD, who cares about the alledged faster booting... Wink), I have no issues any longer - now I can wake the PC up as usual.
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Technical Question about Shutdown from XBMC0