iOS Zeusmos + XBMC = No Jailbreak Required?
Hey guys. I've tried to install XBMC on iOS using the Zeusmos Utils.

Doing the following...
Downloading the XBMC .deb for iOS and converting it to .ipa using the instasign utilily from uhelios. This succesfully signed the app to be installed on iOS without any jailbreak.
I can say that I got beyond my expectations, I never thought I would end up with the actual app on my springboard and I actually got to the splash screen.
Then it crashed. I know two reasons of why this can't be done just yet: The "icons" dependency and XBMC working its configuration on the /user/library/XBMC Preferences...
Theoretically, Is it possible to "unify" the icons dependency into the Also make the app work its "stuff" within its own app folder like appstore applications do?

I know this sounds silly but something tells me that it can be done and it may just require some configuration/deb files editing witch I would love to help with. Especially when it comes to getting XBMC out for the non-jailbreak-able community.

Here's a screenshot to give you guys some hope. Smile
Thats my iPhone 5 running iOS 7 Beta 6 (or 5, not sure)

Not possible. XBMC is dyloading dylibs - this will crash on non-jailbroken devices even if those dylibs would be signed too.
AppleTV4/iPhone/iPod/iPad: HowTo find debug logs and everything else which the devs like so much: click here
HowTo setup NFS for Kodi: NFS (wiki)
HowTo configure avahi (zeroconf): Avahi_Zeroconf (wiki)

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Zeusmos + XBMC = No Jailbreak Required?0