Movies not being added to library?
Alright, so I have a fresh install of Linux Mint and xbmc. Downloaded some things to watch and for whatever reason, only 2 of the 6 movies are being added to the library.

They are renamed with nothing but the title and the year in the name (with parenthesis for the year), each within its own folder with the folder having the same name as the file. All nfo files deleted.

Nothing that i can tell sets the 2 apart from the others. One is an mp4 while the other is an mkv. The remaining 4 are all mkv files.

When doing a fresh scan of the folder (removing the source and adding it back in), I can see in the status bar that it is scraping for these movies but after it is done they are not in the movies folder.

The movies are not showing up in the 'files' section in xbmc. This led me to believe that simply the scraper is not finding any info on any of these movies. However, I went to moviedb and searched for the title with the year in parenthesis just as the folder and file is shown and I get the result for all of them.

I even tried switching the scraper from moviedb to IMDB with universal movie scraper. I have searched and searched for answers and done everything I could find information on. I'm thinking I am just simply doing something stupid wrong and hopefully can be corrected without hassle. Any help appreciated!
Well totally disregard this. In the process of reviewing the debug info I saw that xbmc was in fact getting all the necessary information but had no errors concerning the display of the movies. I go into xbmc and somehow those 2 movies are marked as watched while the others are not. Guess which viewing mode I had on?

I figured it was something stupid. Sometimes you just need to talk it out, you know?!

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Movies not being added to library?0