Solved Grub issue?

I had version 12.1 XBMCbuntu running without problems. But I upgraded to 12.2 with apt-get, and it failed.
No prob, my data is properly backupped, so I download a fresh image of 12.2 XBMCubuntu.
  • Live boot from USB: Perfect
  • Installation of XBMC: fine (except a warning about CD Media check)
  • First boot: FAIL. Just a flashing underscore, and that's it.

When I install a LinuxMint on that machine, it runs perfectly (nice boot and so).
When I reinstall the XBMCbuntu, again the flashing underscore. But no OS prompt or so.

I've already tried:
  • mount /dev/sda1 /mnt
  • grub-install /dev/sda
  • reboot

Any suggestions?
Not really. Two thoughts, both may be bullshit. What partition type do you have on sda1? ext3 or ext4 should always work, I am not sure if all grubs can boot every partition type, so maybe the Mint-grub can, the XBMCBuntu one not.
And, sda1 has the bootable flag set, right?
The symptom looks like your BIOS does not want to start grub, and I have no clue why. If all else fails and no better thoughts emerge from the forum, nuke the disk from /dev/zero and restart from scratch :-)
Sda1 isn`t boot flagged after the installation. But changing it, doesn`t help.

Strange thing is that a standard ubuntu installation runs/ends fine. On the exact same hardware.
I`ve reinstalled it several times, but the result is always the same...
grrr, this drives me nuts...

Already replaced the harddisk with another one. The complete same story.
Installation of XBMC runs fine, but at the reboot, a flashing underscore.
And When I install a ubuntu on the machine, everything runs fine. You can nicely reboot, and linux works great.
But when you install XBMCbuntu over it, flashing underscore.......

Installed the damned thing already 20 times now. My motivation is gone... :'(

Any advice?
is the bootlader being installed to the right location? Sometimes the ubuntu installer selects the wrong drive to install to. if it is a grub problem boot-repair should fix it
Er, why does it have to be grub problem?

My guess is your installing XBMCBUntu with the wrong GPU drivers, they make one for intel/AMD and one for intel/Nvidia.

What is your hardware and which XBMCBuntu have you downloaded? Bare in mind its drivers are for GPU not CPU.
Nevermind. Just found it...
After removing the partition on my USB stick, and recreating it, putting the ISO on it, it works.
Apparantly something stayed behind on my usb-stick from a Mint installation.

So nothing to do with the computer itself, but with the installation media...
Great Wink

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