Android Ugoos UT1 Passthrough Driver
Hi XBMC developers,

I am the proud owner of an UGOOS - UT1 Box that uses the RK3188 Chipset with RK29_RK1000 hdmi passthrough drivers.

This works well for the build in mediaplayer of the UT1, but XBMC doesn't recognize this driver, what is very sad Sad

Is it possible for the XBMC Developers to make XBMC recognize the UT1 drivers in XBMC?

I hope you can make our wish come true, and let us enjoy XBMC together with the UT1 in Full HD and with DTS/AC3.

I love XBMC and I know that almost everything is possible!

Thank you in advance.
Still no one?
Is this impossible?

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Ugoos UT1 Passthrough Driver0