Android tv boxes...what specs are really matters?
im hearing a lot ,but here is my question
how to choose a box ...? quad processors are better? tronsmart or
g box
a dual processor model its better than quad?

my range its about 100euro ..
I wouldn't get a Tronsmart or a g-box.

The average dual core ARM processor seems good, quad won't make a lot of difference for XBMC. Remember, number of cores isn't really a way to measure performance, be it ARM or desktop. It can play a factor, but alone it really doesn't mean much.

I feel safe recommending the OUYA, but there are various other boxes that might perform about the same or better for the same price, but I haven't personally used those boxes. There's a quad-core rockchips "MiniX" something that some people say is pretty good ever since they got 1080 working (working? Mostly working? I think it's working now..). If you poke around this forum you will find lots of threads that go a lot further into this.
(2013-11-28, 00:24)marioskoufos Wrote: hey,
im hearing a lot ,but here is my question
how to choose a box ...? quad processors are better? tronsmart or
g box
a dual processor model its better than quad?

my range its about 100euro ..

Any RK3188 devices will have plenty of power but the quality of the ROM will make all the difference.

While Neomode ROM on perform very well on various sticks, the JustXBMC ROM for the K-R42 TV box looks a very good setup.
thanks for the reply
i will continue reading to find which is best for xbmc
(my opinion android its more compatible and flexible system than any others)
Ouya ftw
+1 ouya

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Android tv boxes...what specs are really matters?0