Solved How to go to specific windows, ie Videos/Music w/ API v4
I am making my own web interface remote and was able to look at MediaLibrary.js to find the code (jquery post json rpc) for up, down, left, right, forward, rewind etc etc but I dont see the code for the values for info, title, music, tv, images....Where can I find these?
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(2013-12-23, 17:04)Martijn Wrote:

Thanks, but I do not see the parts for going to specific sections such as the Videos, Images, Programs, Music
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(2013-12-24, 10:14)Montellese Wrote: GUI.ActivateWindow

I tried + '?SendRemoteKey', '{"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "GUI.ActivateWindow", "params": { "window": "video" }, "id": 1 }', function(data){$('#spinner').hide();}, 'json');

and I get in response

"{"error":{"code":-32601,"message":"Method not found."},"id":1,"jsonrpc":"2.0"}"

How can I do this with API version 4?
This functionality is only available from JSON-RPC API version 6 onwards so you need to use Frodo to be able to use that command.
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(2013-12-25, 12:12)Montellese Wrote: This functionality is only available from JSON-RPC API version 6 onwards so you need to use Frodo to be able to use that command.

ok thanks

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How to go to specific windows, ie Videos/Music w/ API v40