xbmcRemote cannot play DVD image from disk
I installed xbmcRemote from the App store. Easy so far. It connects and commands go in. Easy so far. .avi works. .iso works. mp4 works. But...

I have a bunch of DVD images (many hundreds so would take a LOT of work to make them all into ISOs) so the folder looks just like the DVD does with the Audio_TS and Video_TS. I can select the folder but when I want to play by clicking on it, it goes to the Video_TS and if I select that, it keeps on going down to the IFO and the BUP and the VOBs at the lowest level. How do I stop the drilling down in the directory structure and request play from the iOS device? It plays just fine with mouse input because there is a right click that says to play the folder. I cannot find that functionality on the remote. Thanks for any pointers.

Oh, this is driving the Media Center on a Raspberry Pi which works just great. No speed problems. Video looks great. If I could just get it to play by the remote, it would be excellent. Better than what I have now.

Thanks, Mike

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xbmcRemote cannot play DVD image from disk0