Video / Audio Problems
Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated! I'm running an Acer Aspire Revo 3700. I am currently running XBMC Frodo 12.3

Video Problems:

1 - A lot of videos start buffering. This has never been an issue. The video will buffer for 30 seconds and then buffer again for another 30 seconds after a few seconds of playing.

2 - The screen blacks out when I start a video. The audio starts up but it takes 4 seconds to start the video.

3 - Skipping forwards and backwards has issues at times. I'll skip forwards 30 seconds and it pauses for 3 seconds before skipping forward.

Audio Problems

1 - I have to use the command "Kill-All" in putty to have XBMC acknowledge my Onkyo receiver. Everything seems to work well after that. I'm not sure why I have to do this or what exactly it is doing....
Do you use a NAS? If yes...on which way you try to connect to it? NFS or SMB? LAN oder WLAN? Maybe a broken Cable?

that could be caused by the "adjust display refresh rate to match video"-option. If you have checked this on, XBMC tries to switch the refresh rates for the display matches to the video (24p for most BRs, 50p for most DVDs). You can choose the option below the "refresh rate"-option, that is called "Pause during refresh rate change" to start playing the video after several seconds. So this thing should be solved.

could be related to the "1)"


How did you install your XBMC? Do you use XBMCbuntu or a full Ubuntu installation....maybe OpenElec?

A debug log could help.

Debug Log
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Video / Audio Problems0