Daily Updates/Build from CVS
i was wondering how some guys here are doing daily cvs updates and build xbmc daily.

for me it takes approx. 1 hour or a bit more to make a complete cvs download + xbmc build + check pm3 skin for changes and migrate my custom skin changes into the new pm3.

i am using xbmcdbr batch file for building my xbmc and everytime i am doing a complete fresh cvs download.

when i try to just "update" my local xbmc source folder from cvs the batch file skips cvs and goes directly to compiling..
so updating doesn't work and i have to do a complete fresh cvs download (which quite takes longer to download!Wink. any hints for this?

anyway, what would be the correct way for doing daily updates and how long does the update take for you?

1 hour + checking if everything works fine after update etc. takes about 2 hours in total.
when i come home from work + these 2 hours for updating xbmc i have almost no time for something else.. :d so i am doing a xbmc update just weekly or every 2 weeks.

i am just wondering how you guys make daily updates (especially now for bug-bashing)? could you please describe exactly the steps you are doing?

many thanks in advance.
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i use tortoisecvs to do an update or checkout, then i run a compare.bat to check for changes to certain files. then i load the project file in video studio and do a build not rebuild. sometimes it only takes a few minutes depending on the amount of changes.

if there weren't many changes and the compare.bat returned no changes, i'll just upload the new xbe. if there were a lot of changes, i'll run a create.bat (build.bat) and upload a whole new build.

a complete download (11 minutes)
a rebuild (55 minutes)
creating a whole new build (2 minutes)
uploading a whole new build and backing up the old build (?5-10 minutes)

i use to use the batch file you use from yuyu, but i like being able to do a quick build, say if a all the source changes in cvs didn't make it to anonymous cvs.
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i only do a clean build if header files change 'normally'... i use the build.bat from batch. but 99% of the time i 'rem' the clean build option in the batch file. would only take 2 seconds to create a copy and choose clean.bat or rebuild.bat i suppose.

can normally update and build on a 1ghz amd in 3-4 minutes inc download of updated files.

whole rebuild maybe 30 mins? if that... never counted Smile

eg. the latest changes from spiff for cdda rip folder i had to do a clean build to get that to work properly.

cool, just about some minutes for an update + build.. :o

have you written your "compare.bat" yourself? what commandline-tools have you used for automated diffs?

where do i find those clean.bat and rebuild.bat ??

how do you make a diff of your skin-changes? or haven't you any custom changes in pm3 ? i am doing it all manually by hand, one .xml after the other..
is there a better/faster way to automate this ?

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use tortoise for the dl and build.bat whole bang takes @ 10 minutes.
or use the xbmcdbr tool in the xbmc toolkit.
xbmc toolkit
the build.bat or xbmcdbr are both useful.

i use a modified build.bat. it downloads the source, compiles, and installs xbmc via xbdm....with only one click.


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Daily Updates/Build from CVS0