Bug What is the best method to raise awareness about a bug?
There is a bug report on Github I'd like to raise awareness about. It's probably a (realtively) simple fix for any of the the folk dealing with the the video decoding/ffmpeg part of KODI because it has been dealt with in other FOSS video players that are based on ffmpeg, but, although it has been triaged, it just isn't getting on the radar of the right people.

What is the best method of going about this? Even if I was inclined to tag someone relevant on Github(which I am not really), I wouldn't know who that would be.

Thank you!
Make a pull request if it is a simple fix.
(2024-04-11, 14:35)sarbes Wrote: Make a pull request if it is a simple fix.

Hehe, "any of the the folk dealing with the the video decoding/ffmpeg part of KODI" definitely does not include myself, otherwise I wouldn't be wasting time writing this post instead of fixing things. Although, that characterization might include yourself, Sir, so I would very mych appreciate it if you took a look at the bug report, if you are so inclined and have the time to spare. Thank you!

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What is the best method to raise awareness about a bug?0