Bug Disabled PVR Addons Enabling themselves?
Gotham RC1. I use PVR.WMC and have disabled the rest. At random times everyday either PVR.DVBLINK or PVR.VDR enable themselves. Is anyone else experiencing this problem?
I've seen similar on an upgrade - several PVR clients will enable themselves - and I've struggled sometimes to disable them. Uninstalling the ones I don't want has shut them up, though.

I found the problem on Windows ... I don't recall if my Linux boxes ever had it, although the PVR clients are more discrete than in Windows, where they all arrive alongside XBMC when you install unless you specify that you don't want them. I just deleted them from my .xbmc directory the first time around, and have been careful not to install the ones I don't want since then.
Prof Yaffle,

i did the same on my Windows box, but like you said they are default installed and on Openelec boxes, you CANT delete them as they are part of the non-writeable image. but thanks for verifying that i wasnt going nuts. maybe i can uninstall them on my openelec boxes.
If you want to take the sledgehammer approach, you could remount the main filesystem RW and manually delete them. They're likely to reappear on the next update, however.

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Disabled PVR Addons Enabling themselves?0