Is it possible to scrape sets where missing from existing NFO?

I have nfo files for all my movies, all without sets. I would now like to scrape sets, but can't figure out if this is at all possible? I need to keep my nfo file as it contains my watch status, so is there anyway to scrape sets with nfo file present please?

Thank you
Why not adding a <set>setname</set> tag in the nfo?

Be aware that the syntax in different nfo for "setname" has to be exactly the same for one set.

Otherwise, and that was the behaviour in gotham, you could update your movie info. By doing this the software will ask you "local i formation found. Ignore and search online? Yes - No".

But I would simply add the tag and then updating the movie info and not ignoring the nfo and you're done
Yep could add manually, but that would take an large amount of time. I also want the set names to match that on TMDB, to ensure future additional will be added to the one set.

Update movie info is only on an individual movie based as far as I know, which again would take an large amount of time. Another issue is that it deletes 'playcount' (watched) status.

Anyone else have any suggestions? I simply want to scrape sets, but doesn't appear that's possible without deleting nfo's and rescraping everything. This would mean I lose 'playcount' which I really wish to avoid.
As I said...update your movie and ignore the nfo. Then it should be scraped online. If a set is available, the info should be added. So have just to setup "group movies in sets" in your system settings and this should work
Sorry I may have been editing post as you replied. That isn't going to work for reasons above. I should add I need to scrape 100's of movies, so need to scrape altogether.
As far as I know, if you scrape your movies again, and I understand the "time" problem, the watched status would alwaysbe deleted. You can´t do anything against. You can´t add a single info via XBMCs/Kodis scraper without removing the existing info you got in your local nfo or what is set by XBMC/Kodi (for example "watched status").
Thanks David. It's a real shame. The only choice I have then is to delete nfo files and rescrape, then manually go though all movies and mark as 'watched' where applicable, or add sets to info manually, or rescrape individual movies (way too long). All options will take a large amount of time, but I think the shorter of them will be the first option. Thankfully I have rated all the movies I've watched on IMDB so I will export that list and use that to remind me which movies I have seen. It's a hell of a lot, so need reminding! Smile

Another way would be to scrape library again via tinyMediaManager which I recently downloaded and looks great. I was hoping it would simply scrape and add sets to currently nfo file, but unfortunately it creates it's own. Anyone know of a media manager that is able to save to existing nfo please?
If you have Windows, try Media Companion. You can point MC to your root movie folder(s) and it will read all your nfos. Once you have all your movies in MC, you can select one or all, and there is an option to "rescrape specific" and you can select "TMDb Set Name". That will scrape any TMDb sets for your movies. There is a Set and Tag editor to add sets if they don't scrape, and you can add or remove set tags from nfos.

To save current data you could export your video library to separate files with "overwrite older" selected. To be safe you could backup all your existing nfos first. Then proceed as above. That should save all your watched / playcount data.

scott s.
This is fantastic, thank you very much scott. MC looks perfect as it works with existing nfo, but more importantly saves to the same nfo, adding newly scraped info. Your post came just in time as I was due to delete nfo later today and resrape in method mentioned above.

Only tested with one movie so far, moved into separate 'Movie' test folder. MC looks a little daunting for media editor newbie, but will familiarize myself with all the options, and then whip my library into shape. Universal Scrape does a great job for the majority of time, but there is always the odd movie that needs editing. Until now I haven't bothered because I simply wanted to update the already existing nfo, and all other media editions always created their own, so MC appears to be just the ticket!

Is there anything I need to be careful off? I've already backed up library as single file, just incase something doesn't go quite right, so no worries there.

Do you know if MC is able to scrape the set artwork? I scraped set for test movie, but it didn't download set artwork. This is a good feature of tinyMediaManager as it would download set artwork when scraping set info.

Thanks man!
That sounds cool. Didn't knew about this tool. Glad that this will work for you. Gonna look at it for myself.

Thanks scott

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Is it possible to scrape sets where missing from existing NFO?0