Main Menue - Movie and Live TV do not work
I was trying to add a 'Video Add On' Main menu item so that when I choose it it would should all of the video add-ons that I have enabled.
I never got this to work.
Now thwhen I try and choose Movies or Live TV form the masin menu, nothing happens.
It does not go into the screen.
The TV SHows works, but for some reason it does not.

Does anyone know what I have to do to fix it? I tried resetting to default, but nothing happens.

ALso how do I add an enable the Video Add on the main menu so that when I choose it, it will show me the video add ons I have enabled?

Seems like I got it to work.
I changes the skin to Confluence then back to Aeon, and now the Movies and Live TV is working.
anyhoo is there a guide on how to add a Video Add On menu to the main screen, and when I choose it, it will show me all of the video add ons I have enabled?


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Main Menue - Movie and Live TV do not work0