I need something new for a PVR server
I have a Windows 7 box running Media Center with a hauppauge satellite tuner card - after a lot of messing about I got the system running really well, and have a Raspberry Pi with OpenElec which I connect to it.

But last week I connected a hauppauge DVB-T USB card to it and installed the drivers, initially it worked, but then it would hang after a few days. I removed the USB card and did a system restore - but the hanging still continues...

... I'm just fed up with messing about with a the PC - its too fragile, easily messed up and the drivers are too flakey.

So I'm wondering if there is a new way...

What i need is a really reliable, feature rich, easy to set up recorder that I can connect to using XBMC / OpenElec.

So I'm wondering if I can but an off the shelf PVR - something like the Samsung Bd_h8500m and access it using XBMC via DLNA.

Is this possible, has anyone set up XBMC to access an off the shelf PVR system??

If this wouldn't work, is there anything else that would do the job.

I'd appreciate some advice.

The short answer is no, you can't do that, and even if you could it'd still be inferior and probably more buggy than using a PC as backend. There are people using Enigma boxes as backend using the VU+ plugin, that's about the closest you get to using off-the-shelf hardware.
According to the Samsung manual, it states that you can Share the hard drive:

Share Hard Drive
Set whether to share content from this product with other network connected
devices, such as smart phone.

If I can do this then could I not access it from a Raspberry Pi via OpenElec and play videos?
What features are you exactly searching for?

1) Live TV, with/without smartcards? (Satelitte or/and terrestrial)
2) Recordings?
3) Easily sharing via network to different clients with various network protocols (PC and Kodi, smartphones, ...)?

As negge wrote, Enigma2 STBs are quite flexible and powerful.
I use them for several years!
Yea, Enigma2 does sound interesting - do you know where I can find some info about them, videos etc? Is there an official website.

I did some looking around but couldn't seem to find a good website. ..
The internet is full of useless non-intelligible information when it comes to Enigma2/Dreamboxes. I suggest getting a VU+ if you can, they're probably one of the most solid brands.
I can only agree here.
VUplus and Dreambox are the most reliable manufacturers in that business.

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I need something new for a PVR server0