Raspbian: no servers after Kodi upgrade
Yesterday I upgraded xbmc to Kodi (2:14.0-1~wheezy) on my Raspberry Pi (running Raspbian). Now I cannot control Kodi anymore using my phone (Nexus 5 running Yatse). The problem seems to be that the necessary servers aren't launched: if I look at what ports my raspi is listening, it's just:

root@pi:/home/kodi/.kodi# netstat -tanp
Active Internet connections (servers and established)
Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address           Foreign Address         State       PID/Program name
tcp        0      0*               LISTEN      6531/kodi.bin  
tcp        0      0    *               LISTEN      2668/sshd      
tcp        0    288      ESTABLISHED 6441/sshd: pi [priv

So 9090 is only listening on localhost and nothing is listening on 8080, so there is nothing for Yatse to connect to.
I have edited /home/kodi/.kodi/userdata/guisettings.xml (while Kodi was shut down) so it says:
        <airplay default="true">false</airplay>
        <airplayios8compat default="true">true</airplayios8compat>
        <airplaypassword default="true"></airplaypassword>
        <airplayvolumecontrol default="true">true</airplayvolumecontrol>
        <devicename default="true">pi</devicename>
        <esallinterfaces default="true">true</esallinterfaces>
        <escontinuousdelay default="true">25</escontinuousdelay>
        <esenabled default="true">true</esenabled>
        <esinitialdelay default="true">750</esinitialdelay>
        <esmaxclients default="true">20</esmaxclients>
        <esport default="true">9777</esport>
        <esportrange default="true">10</esportrange>
        <upnpannounce default="true">true</upnpannounce>
        <upnpcontroller default="true">false</upnpcontroller>
        <upnprenderer default="true">false</upnprenderer>
        <upnpserver default="true">true</upnpserver>
        <useairplaypassword default="true">false</useairplaypassword>
        <webserver default="true">true</webserver>
        <webserverpassword default="true"></webserverpassword>
        <webserverport default="true">8080</webserverport>
        <webserverusername default="true">kodi</webserverusername>
        <webskin default="true">webinterface.default</webskin>
        <zeroconf default="true">true</zeroconf>

but no dice (I edited the file, because I cannot control Kodi by keyboard either, although direct keyboard access to the raspi works fine otherwise).

Does anyone know what may be going on and how I can get Kodi to allow json-rpc control from Yatse again? Possibly re-enabling keyboard control so I can change the settings via the Kodi menus may be a way out.

The only WARNINGS in kodi.log are:
12:36:09 T:3035607040  NOTICE: start dvd mediatype detection
12:36:09 T:2958181392  NOTICE: Thread DetectDVDMedia start, auto delete: false
12:36:11 T:3035607040 WARNING: JSONRPC: Could not parse type "PVR.Details.Channel"
12:36:11 T:3035607040 WARNING: JSONRPC: Could not parse type "PVR.Details.ChannelGroup.Extended"
12:36:11 T:3035607040 WARNING: JSONRPC: Could not parse type "GUI.Property.Value"
12:36:11 T:3035607040 WARNING: JSONRPC: Could not parse type "Setting.Details.SettingList"
12:36:12 T:2918904848  NOTICE: Thread LanguageInvoker start, auto delete: false
12:36:12 T:3035607040  NOTICE: initialize done
Looks like you've nothing for port 8080, for either tcp or tcp6
I can control two different versions (13.2 and 14.0) with YATSE - which may have 8080 as its default

On the other hand, I can also use the keyboard, so maybe its the step to 14.0-1 which has done it (I tend to keep updating off until I see no complaints being raised)
I've no idea what was wrong, but I've since decided to switch to xbian and the fresh reinstall made all problems go away. Kodi 14.1 worked fine there.
Check the port settings in:

Kodi > Settings > Services > Webserver - Port number

Matches the port number in the XBMC App or Yatse settings on your Nexus.


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Raspbian: no servers after Kodi upgrade0