In which file are the used scrapers?
I want to setup Kodi headless and want to know, where are the scrapers for the sources in sources.xml stored?
In the guisettings.xml I can only find the default scrapers and the scrapers for Music. Is there a file which says e.g. "Use Scraper A for source X and scraper B for source Y"?

If it is stored in the Library.db, then wouldn't it be better to store is in the sources.xml or somewhere else as XML?
Philips TV with Kodi 20.2 with IPTV --- Orbsmart 500 Android 21 alpha/beta as Online-radio/TV in the kitchen
It is stored in the library database. I believe there is work being done to set this data in a headless situation.
well this should just be settable through JSON-RPC and from a webinterface - eg instead of putting it in another spot, just make ALL settings available through an easy GUI and API

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In which file are the used scrapers?0